Just what I think about it as well. The military emblem decals we´ve received so far all have a weird plastic vibe. They just don´t look like something someone would have painted on a vehicle.
The new BP profile picture is what I´m talking about. The forums were full of praise once people saw that PP but for some reason all the decals Gaijin produces these days are half-hearted kitsch, compared to the quality they once had with their monthly decals.
Use IL2M BR3.3 : kill air bots and eventually headon fighters. Dont return to the airbase just jump. A 5min match gives 2000 battle points : 4-5 bots + 1-2 players planes.
Thanks for the advise mate. Still mindnumbing but actually a better way to grind while still supporting your team. Someone´s always gonna go for a head on to take with you. It´s just sad that anti-team gameplay like J-ing Out actually gets rewarded during such events due to not wasting any time. I´ve seen this on Ju-288 as well.
Quick request. Please put the time zone on the achievements. Said it ends at 12:30. So figured I had a little time to finish it off. Nope. Already onto the next day. so when it says 12:30am, it actually means 10:30pm GMT
i did 4 aim sim matches at rank in a F105D and a F-14B and i didn’t even get 15k RP i bombed 4 bases shots down 5 enemy players and killed a bunch of bots. this list is bugged.
It’s disheartening that the decision was made to punish lower tier player rewards. Whether playing tier III or tier VIII, all players put in equal effort and should be rewarded accordingly. I’d argue that Missile Thunder takes even less effort than mid tier gameplay…
This is nothing more than shady sales tactics to manipulate players into purchasing high tier premiums… It’s despicable.
I’m already paying for a premium account. How much money is enough to satisfy your greed?.. The gaming industry and the shameless cash grabs are out-of-hand.
Bomb and left, bomb and left, that is air realistic battles now. Gaijin, great work totally working as intended… Once just once made something right, just once.
Says available from 12:00:02 till Augsut 24th. So should be active now… Currently 2:30AM GMT August 22. So should have been active for 2 and half hours, but I cant get any progress/buy it
Strangely, I am doing painless the event, for only 4-5 hours with 7.7 German and 2.0 German event vehicles.
However, between the 26 of August and the 2 September, I will not be able to play. Now this means that I will not be able to complete only the last mark.
Is there a way to buy the mark from mobile? I see that using the WRT assistance application. I can buy other events like the US airborne day one, but not the mark of distinction.
Do you have any idea?