Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I gotta ask, how much does a full combat load eft adds? It’s 2490kg in the Su-30SM and you can manually input those additional weights in statshark

Nerf somwthing that’s barely useable?

Like 4300 KG of fuel and the added weight of 4 missiles

oh yes, great rage bait

I assume statshark accounts for fuel, but how much is a full combat load in kilos? Like the best missile combination

You posted a chart with performance that isn’t reflected in game xD. And regardless, this has nothing to do with what I said about the Flanker. Find a source with in game performance or accept the data that statshark gives us with the EF being clear and away the best sustained rate fighter at top tier.

They really should it can only move the nose in the case of the Russian jets

You’d have to work that out for what you load it with

I’m asking you because I assume you have the EFT

It is reflected in game

It’s not

I do but I don’t really like it or play it lol

Keep coping

I mean it would help in comparing turn rates in combat loads

17,000 KG maybe

Keep crying. If you don’t like the default configuration, then punch in the variables you want and produce your own data.

Do you honestly believe 8 amraams adds 17t of extra weight?

5KG of fuel on top of 11,000 kg empty mass = 16,000 + 1,000 for weapons

Do you think the plane weights 1kg lmao

He appears to believe that the EF is the only jet that flies with missiles attached, lol.

What’s wrong with that turn performance

Are you suggesting a plane from the 70s should put turn it