Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

TVC has been in the game since 2020 however they didn’t even try to model it

i think it still has to much drag tho
like you cannot tell me that the mig-29 produces almot 12 tones of drag while pulling 20° of aoa

if you have nothing to add related to the su30sm or sukhois in general, please go elsewhere

CM dispensers and flaperons updated!

Still a bunch of inaccuracies present, but it’s good to see that they’re still working on the model and taking community feedback into consideration


I just commented on someone mentioning the rafale and eft so don’t be salty

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For now it’s still civilized to the standards of this community lol

If you can’t refute the point I made then I can’t help you if you get upset lmao

I legit did so get a brain

I showed you the turn rates of the EFT prototypes and they are not fiction like you claimed

Typhoon has been nerfed pretty hard in nearly all flight regimes I see the F-15 as the BVR king now.

I just hope the Radar “improvements” makes up for it

Yeah and if the EF really did rate at 18.5 dgs, or slightly better than the F-18 per this chart, it wouldn’t be problem. Instead it is the best rate fighter at the BR at almost 22 dgs. So… thanks for making my point?

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Annoying ifr bar is still there

It rates at 18 or so in game in this set up

Thanks for proving my point

The minimum requirement for the final production version was 20 degrees a second so 20 should be what it does at the minimum

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I know, I hate it

If tested under the conditions listed in the table the STR is less than 20°/s. Keep on mind that 18.5°/s is for an aircraft with 82kN engines instead of 90kN.

The final Eurofighter with 90 kN engines is said to have met / exceeded the 20°/s requirement.


Not what statshark says pulling from the game data. In your world, perhaps.

Can statshark add 4 missiles hmm?

Apparently you live in wonderland and I live in the real world

Do you have data that says the EF rates at 18 dgs in ARB with a combat load? Or are you just going to dismiss the data we do have for in game performance on your word alone?

I showed you the source lol

So tired of dealing with people who can not accept reality or maybe it’s you choose to act like this as it goes against your own personal prejudice

man, thats why i said it “if you have nothing to add related to the sukhois in general, go elsewhere”
this is not the EF thread.

They should nerf the TVC
