In case you can’t read. I have been asking for extra weight added with the best missile combination. Not the total weight
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
I don’t know how you can be so offended by something you don’t understand xD
Around 6,000 kg
Lmao I am glad I don’t have to try and survive with your primitive level of understanding
this isnt a normal su35s? from what I have access to on the internet here in the west, it seemed that su35sm was a myth or a rumor, I couldnt confirm whether it was fake or real
How is it. 3x heavier than 12 r-77? You know what ill figure it out myself later
Ok good you do that lol
You posted a chart of real world flight data with the EF rating at 18.5 dgs comparable to the F-18 measured in the same chart. I show you in game data pulled by stat shark with the EF rating at 24.0 dgs. You claim that what statshark shows is not reflected in game but you have provided nothing sourced from in game data to prove that.
Based on the evidence we have to conclude that the EF is overperforming in game compared to the VERY CHART that YOU provided. Look at the sustained turn rates of the EF and the Hornet on the chart you provided and compare it to these in game values.
Good gracious my dude, cry harder. The EF’s sustained turn rate is science fiction, I’m sorry if you’re offended XD.
You compared an empty plane to a plane with over 4,000 kg of fuel and 4 missiles and said they are the same
I am using 30% of fuel for each aircraft. Would you like to see how the chart changes with other fuel values? Spoiler: the trend doesn’t change.
Or are you once again implying that the EF is the only jet that flies with four missiles attached?
Hell, if you don’t like my data pulled from in game values, where is your data?
@弐_sayonara上弦 @MatrixRupture cant you guys like, stop with this off topic discussion? go and send each other a private message to talk about the EF performance.
The EFT should sustain the best turn rate that’s what it’s designed to do
It does turn better than basically any other jet in the world
Yes fair I am done now you have a great day however
This isn’t data, but thanks for confirming you’re drawing from your own bias.
I brought the EF up because its overperforming sustained rate is very important for the BFM of the Flanker, Su-27SM or Su-30SM. I brought it up in a specific context that you didn’t engage with. If you’re upset with what is evident from in game values plotted on chart, bring some of your own data sourced from in game values. If you can’t do that then kindly stop wasting thread space.
This is the SU thread
Yeah and I was talking about how the EF’s overperformance in the sustained rate affects the Flanker’s BFM options. That point remains standing. You derailed because you’re upset you don’t have the data to defend your precious EF from its overperforming allegations.
Keep it on topic please
Please do mate. Data only, no hopes and dreams.
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