Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yes that’s right…
I should have said that the su30 is in between the Su27 and Su33 in weight.

On top of that I don’t know how gaijin modeled the special afterburner.
Because afaik irl they can’t use it all the time without damaging the engines/ destroying them

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I mean, we already have overheating damage mechanic all the way since props

Why is the HUD not glowing green?


And also why the HUD doesn’t have a purple tint




Engines are calculated by operating time. If afterburn is used for a long time, operating time will be reduced and maintenance will be required sooner than expected.

More bug reporting is in order it seems. Bloody hell, that a mess

I think it gor reported already and accepted to change the color, I remember seeing yesterday.

No photo su-30sm with 12 r-77. In most docs he can carry only 6 or with double 8 missles.
Gaijin give arh missles just for all pylon. But in EF case fo example another treatment.
Gaijin double standart.


Of course you can check Indian su-30mki and no 12 r-77(rvv-ae)

Least of the problem for inaccuracies that were all aware I’m Still waiting on the Flanker energy retention

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Typhoon top speed is Mach 2.3 lol

@Silversting HUD coloring reported here: Community Bug Reporting System


? What do you mean by this?

8 r-77 max.


19771 kg by screen.

We demand only 10 missles!
No double pulon photo! Stip rusian bias!!!


19300-19400 Without pilots, oil, and ammunition

my mistake thats not a double

Russian bias it gaijin laziness to fix the drag of the R77 so added the -1 and the energy retention of the flanker so they give it more missiles

And this mean max 10 r-77.

It okay, realistic.

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Not really the gridfins still have to much drag at supersonic speeds

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