Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Noted, ill have a look and study when the patch goes out.

If you use “cyclic switching of radar targets” the radar will still jump to friendlies when they are initially picked up.

The line still appears above friendly contacts, but if it overlays the range markings it can be difficult to discern. With TWS HDN, the line is higher than normal.

Best suggestion would be to disable cyclic radar and let the radar scan a track multiple times before locking it up.

wtf is this…
the mig-19 is able to out-rate the Su-30 at most speeds

you cannot tell me that the Su-30 FM is accurate

like how tf is the Mig-19 able to pull more AoA than the Su-30 without TVC (Statshark isnt uesing TVC for the

mig19 is the goat.

ok iam over with this it seems like there needs to be a bug-report on the Su-30 FM
like in what world is a mig-15 able to pull more aoa than the su-30 without tvc

@BBCRF if you have any sources on the Flight performance of the Su-30 (that arent classified)
could you sent them to me in Private messages.
So I can make a bug report on the FM


so the mig-15 i guess?

mig15 the mega goat. just look at vietnam.

these planes are extremely light compared to the su30sm…this also affects their turning radius i think, which would be much smaller

wouldn’t it be better to try to compare the su30sm with the su27sm? or the su33, or even the f15s, at least they are similar…


They really should just give us a mishmash SM and SM2

thats why I talked about the aoa (on the mig-15)

those matchups look even worse for the su-30

i mean it gets even outrated by the mig-29smt

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It performs even worse than the Su-33 despite being lighter, checked the FM code turns out it has a significantly lower oswalds coeff than any other flanker (rest have the same number) not sure why, but thats part of the reason it feels really fat, other reason is that it is just fat

can you bugreport that?

or are they going to shout that down

Unfortunately it would be impossible to find any manual for the su30sm that is not restricted (i couldnt find any), I don’t know how it would be possible to fix it unless it is purely based on guesswork and comparing it to the sukhois already in the game, and tbh this forum doesnt really like russian stuff enough to help the su30sm fm (they might even try to nerf it), the last person that helped a lot the su27 was @Giovanex05

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Maybe we have info about any of the export versions that could be applied to the sm? (mki, mka, mkm)

no idea, i couldnt find anything

cant make reports based off datamined information, and since theres no manuals available a report is essentially impossible.


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Su-33 has way better engines, isnt it?

Su33 is also heavier than the su30

Well that’s strange, what value does it have right now?
Also Oswald makes it “feel fat” in turns, acceleration wise (which is what I was mostly referring too since with bvr good acceleration and climb are the important parameters) it is just (mostly) a matter of thrust versus weight

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