only Su-35S uses them IRL
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Only Su-35S’s have been seen with them IRL, as the only sighting of it was at an arms expo on an aircraft from the 23rd IAP, which is VERY well known for their Su-27SMs as well.
lord forgive me
No aircraft has it’s exact turn rate, or AOA modelled correctly that is a limitation of the game engine.
as someone mentioned Gaijin try to get as close as possible to what it should be.
Your video shows a Su-27 Hud, we have no idea on fuel load, weapons load the particular model Su-27.
and then obligatory air show footage of an airframe with minimal fuel and pylons removed.
You can take every single vehicle in War thunder and find a problem with it, this is not a Su-27 exclusive.
Only if players fly straight at it though they are so easy to defend against providing you play smarter when you see EF or F-15 on your RWR within 50km there is a good chance you should start to defend.
When your RWR/MAWS alerts you know the missile is close pull up drop some chaff or descend and drop chaff and you will defeat an AIM120 sent at you in IOG mode.
Funny because ATM the only one underperforming its the Su-27 all other are overperforming.
This has also being talk a lot of time. Not matter what config in game Su-27 can’t match the on in the video.
Also there was someone on reddit trying to probe Squishface wrong. But that guy didn’t the same. He even stated that you can’t pull that hard or the plane would lose too much energy.
killing someone at bvr ranges is not about what the guy who fires does but how bad the guy getting shot at is… good players dont die to this
That’s absolute pish and you know it, Harriers as an example are missing thrust, acceleration and turn time.
Typhoon is unable to super cruise despite 4 nations that operate it and Eurofighter saying it can.
Tornado is missing thrust and top speed it was lowered to give it a greater turn rate.
Lots of vehicles suffer from this.
you cant complete that turn in 13 sec even if you have 40 seconds of fuel in war thunder. its clearly underperforming in game.
typhoon can super cruise in game ? do you even have the typhoon ?
Squishface has a video…and is Squishface an employee of Sukhoi?
Has he flown these aircraft before?
No he’s some guy like you or me that makes a video and some rudimentary maths.
Are we are really going to compare this with official documentation from Eurofighter
From the RAF and Luftwaffe stating a Typhoon can super cruise with a standard A2A loadout.
You may not care about other aircraft because it invalidates your biased. LOTS OF VEHICLES ARE NOT PERFORMING CORRECTLY
Not just a Su-27 issue.
Not at the speed it should, Mach 1.3 super cruise is what is advertised it wont do that
EFT plague discussion coming to infect this thread in 3 2 1…
No. I don’t care because when i play the Su-27sm i don’t face underperforming harriers. I face overperforming FIGHTERS. You’re the one coming here saying “Is fine guys. Every plane don’t match it IRL performance. So is fine for the Su-27 to be underpowered.” Totally missing the point that THAT statement implied that in game jets usually overperform. Like in how many G. Rate/climb etc… But not the other way around like in Su-27 case.
This is going nowhere, Su-27 as other have said is perfectly serviceable is it the best? No
I know for a fact it will never perform how you want it to. You dismiss the 4.5 gen airframes designed 20 years after the Su-27 and think they shouldn’t be superior?
Mate if the Typhoon and Rafale were modelled correctly the Su-27 would be unplayable.
Nice cope. I has always call out that the Su-27sm shouldn’t have be in game or not as a top tier plane. There where better models that could have fit the meta better. But also can’t be denied that the FM was a joke for more than years an gaijin didn’t fix it.
If the plane was that bad IRL i wouldn’t be here. I would just be playing the RAFALE or F-15’s. Because i play almost all the (old) nations. Contrary what bs BIAS claim you pull on me.
Again with BS statement both plane are current flying like UFOs… Also never said that Su-27 should beat them. I have also always said that the only plane that would be contemporary with them its the Su-35s.
If the SU-27 FM and R-77’s drag was modelled correctly, the Rafale and Typhoon would be unplayable in their current state