Yea the aim7 vs r27er meta was awful the r27er is both faster and has more range than the aim7 by a Large margin (it even beats the aim120 and r77 at short to medium ranges)
But then the only alternative is the r27r which is worse than both the aim7 and r24r(R27r has more range but the r24r is much faster in the beginning but still slower than the r27er)
Once they add the su-30sm i think i’ll be using a r-77/27Er combined payload. The su-27 and mig29 respective radars are the only thing stopping these missiles from being Star Wars shit, bars should make them much more efficient.
True but unless going for those 10-20km shots I don’t think it’s Worth bringing those
Also it makes my critic Point of the su27sm worse
Having 4 R73 6 r77 2 r27et to keep Track of and use the right one in the heat of Battle is hard enough has it is
Adding R27er on top of that makes it even Harder
Not to mention all the other Things that need attention at top tier
The problems with R-77 is that missile shouldn’t bleed as much as it’s in game. IRL R-77 and comparable and range adventage isn’t that huge as in game. R-77 just suck on range but has some adventages for example high off-boresigh shot. For my the main problem with current Su-27SM compare to other top tier jets is crap radar, much worst BVR capabilities. FM could be better but rn it feels fine.
But it’s not, in some plane you can get kill from 50km every much just use DL and TWS to help that amraam get a kill. I tested it in EF-2000 and getting kill on very long range is really consistant.
If i remember correctly F-16C barak II and F-16D have them but Barak II can use AIM-120. And Gripen has R-darter, honestly i don’t know if those are C&P Derby or what but also garbage.