The R27 could use data link and INS to still hit targets that were well below the 100m threshold for multipathing.
The inertial guidance allows for a very good chance of hitting the target before terminal guidance, and the data link meant that the missile ignored multipathing until the very last moment, where it would rapidly pitch down into the ground while all other misisles followed the multipath signal from the start.
This meant the R27 was far more likely to ignore multipathing naturally, or it could be induced by the player to reliably hit multipathing targets using inertial terminal guidance.
Aka - turn off your radar a second or two before the missile hit the target.
The missile would then use inertial guidance to the anticipated position of the target signal, ignoring the multipath signal entirely.
So i been reading some of this post and it seems you guys know alot on the flanker family what is your guys take on su33 being a squadron vehicle and how do you think it will play in air battles
Previously i thought it was a good idea cuz it’s just a filler plane, but now i think it sucks because although most of us are dissatisfied with its addition, some ppl actually like it, so it’s kinda unfair towards those players and, to be honest, i myself want some filler planes like the mig-29S, so i was being kinda hypocritical. I also think that most of us hated the su-33 because it’s December and usually gaijin tends to add new cool stuff with new systems and shit, if it was something like a march or september update probably we wouldn’t be so angry lol.
For air battles it won’t be anything different from what we already got, it’s just a heavier flanker…
Other missiles would still miss more often because they lacked the INS and much higher speed. A near miss with an an AIM7 would result in minor damage, but an R27 would still cripple or destroy the aircraft outright.
Several factors combined made it effective, much more so than other missiles.
I tested this and I found no difference between the two. The only thing I could show was that larger proximity fuse range and warhead allowed higher damage in case of near-miss.
God the Su-33 flies like crap.
I mean, it should be slightly worse than Su-27 irl, but since the Su-27 flies like crap ingame the Su-33 is almost unbearable.
I am telling you, I tested this extensively before multipath was reduced and more often than not the R-27 was more affected. The missile wants to dive into the ground and it puts larger separation than the others. When you release lock on the AIM-7F/M the missile begins to fly straight, bringing it closer to the target under the multipath layer instead of into the ground in front of him.
What you are saying is total nonsense. Even with the fact that the AIM-7F/M was closer to the target the result was more or less the same. I’m not even trying to claim the AIM-7F/M performed better… it just should have in these conditions.
No, it was mainly for carrier adaptation.
So it gets a larger wing area, and canards to keep it stable at lower speeds, and decrease the stall speed in general.
But the tradeoff is the extra weight and while it does get improved engines with more thrust, it still isn’t enough to offset it completely. Su-33 still has a lower thrust-to-weight ratio than Su-27S.
Makes sense to me. Canards came in last patch, so I’m sure the FM (by their standards of course) was polished and ready for release.
I still don’t get why they didn’t work harder to get the Su-30SM out earlier. I really felt like Su-30SM was the perfect compliment to the EFT and Rafale for a patch I was hoping would be called (Euro-canards).
True as this may be, no one (i.e. most of the player base) with AIM-7’s seems to have ever bothered to learn how to use them. Nicer radars and SPAMRAAMs have given people the point and click experience they expected US top tier Air to be, but without the learning curve.
I’ve pulled about 10 60-80km lock/kills with the MiG-29/Su-27 using ER’s before ARH’s were updated. How? I changed my radar display, and used the different radar settings to BVR people. Guarantee you most people don’t do that, and probably not even now in the F-15C/E, F-16C, Gripen.
R-77’s, even when maxing their effective gameplay style are still worse than the AIM-7’s vs the 27R/ER’s. How do I know? Because the few times I’ve flown the Su-34 with ER’s I can force some of the SPAMRAAMERs defensive by launching on them with something that can actually hit them.