Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection


Thrust to Weight Ratio is more important than just the plane’s weight for comparison and for that matter the f15 is close to the mig29, with the mig29 being slightly superior.

Btw you can compare a F22 to a biplane, I like to compare the maneuverability of 29 to the 15 because they are contemporary fighters.


TWR depends on your loadout. So, mig29 might be better at 0 fuel and worser on half of fuel.

You guys aren’t even discussing the Su-27, please cut the conversation here or go elsewhere. Further off topic discourse will force us to bring in moderation for thread cleaning.


Ur right, i’m sorry.

No, It would be on par with the Aim-120 in terms of range I think, probably still shorter range because of the Drag.

The R-77-1 in the game files is just a R-77 with around %10 more thrust. That’s it, just ≈10%

Edit: It’s %11


Russia never used R-77 it seems. Only R-77-1. Considering there still are some SM in service, the SM probably uses R-77-1 with high certainty


The R-77 was not mass produced, the RVV-AE was. The RVV-AE has been used on Russian aircraft. Regardless, the R-77 was in production sufficiently long enough to be trained on and capable of being mounted.

This discussion is rather pointless though.


R-77-1 has sustainer which makes missile spend energy more effective

The in-game AIM-120C-5 has only 4.6% more thrust overall than the AIM-120A.
The in-game R-77-1 has 11% more thrust than the R-77.

I’d say as far as improvements go, that’s huge. The R-77-1 also reduces drag significantly over the initial model.
(Yes, I know they have the same drag value right now. This should obviously change or perhaps it is effected by missile length).


C-5 might be not completed at all, in last missile changes - C-5 didnt get changes at all

Not in the game i think, in datamines R-77-1 had same drag as R-77 IIRC.

This is gaijin we are talking about.

According to them, R-27T is a downgrade compared to R-24T in terms of range.

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I haven’t looked at the accuracy, fortunately DCS’ study shows the correct estimated thrust and performance data for the AIM-120C-5. We can actually use that as a reference since the correct propellant weight and whatnot was made public by Orbital ATK.

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I mean im pretty certain they will keep the drag same as R-77, just look at R-27T vs R-24T. A later design which is supposed to be an upgrade has less range then a simpler earlier design because of drag.

It’s Gaijin. They don’t always do what makes sense


Maybe, but in files C-5 lacks stuff like loft.
Also, is C-5 booster only?

Both missiles are accurate. They match the performance data in the primary source materials. The R-27T just doesn’t out-range the R-24T by raw kinematic performance. It was designed as a more maneuverable missile with datalink and larger warhead. It was more modular and more easily maintained as well.

The R-77-1 is longer in the files and I am fairly certain length of the missile has an effect on drag even if raw CxK is the same. I need to test.



This is just a much more long winded way of “lol skill issue git gud”.

The R-27ER does not outclass the Aim-120 by any significant margin or in a way that is actually meaningful to gameplay. It’s especially not a meaningful advantage in SB where there is no shared spotting markers and the poor quality of the radar means that attempting BVR tactics in the plane is not reliable.

It has nothing to do with skill issues. It’s just a marked limitation of the plane and the way it’s implemented in the game. The fact that the flight model is also underperforming in terms of bleed rate when other western planes are over-performing by the same metric is just icing on the cake.


Didn’t know this, all I know is that the R-27T at low altitude is pathetic in terms of range.

All I remember is how disappointed I was with R-27T when Mig-29 came and I changed from R-24T to R-27T

No it’s not. You can’t even partake in the discussion or argument without stuffing words in their mouth to base your ramblings. I’m not going to entertain this further because there is no end-goal to this discussion point. It’s just you pushing an opinion that isn’t widely shared.

R-27 is thicker and has smaller Length to diameter coefficient. So it has more drag.