Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

R-27T is fantastic in dogfights, so is R-27R.

I mean, look at the wings.

Well, when MIG-29 first came out I tried using it as a R-24T. I thought this was the replacement for the role of R-24T. I didn’t know better back then. Long range shots.

R-27 was 30G back then as well. But yes, it’s great at close(ish) ranges for a missile this size. But only if it has any energy left after turning.

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My opinion is pretty widely shared amongst the SB community. There are multiple topics and posts about the game balance that largely stems from “Red” side having aircraft that are worse overall. The only people defending the current state of the game are players who only play USA and will never deviate from it.


The discussion was of air RB meta and your perspective of a small community is also irrelevant. Sim isn’t run by who has better dogfight performance. It’s run by invisible IR AAM’s with IRCCM.

same for the aam-4

The plane has much of the same limitations in RB as it does in SB except they are mitigated by 3rd person view + shared marker spotting + mixed teams. That doesn’t mean the limitations are not there and are not relevant.

Which side has the invisible IR AAMs?
Which side has the better dogfight performance?
Which side has the better avionics?
Which side has the better BVR missiles?

It’s almost entirely concentrated into one side with the exception of minor nations that will play on both sides.


Also, which side has more countermeasures on their flagship planes?
Which side has ACM that can click on someone’s nametag from 19km instead of 10km?

About the only things that I can think of that red team does well are long range sucker punches with the 27ET (IMO the 9M sucker punches things more reliably, albeit at shorter ranges), and crazy HOBs shots for gun range knife fights (if the missile doesn’t corkscrew out of control).
And also the IRCCM on the R-73 is very strong within gun ranges. But getting into a good launch position at gun range is a tall order.


Quit pushing off topic nonsense in the thread. You can’t complain about something and then actively derail the discussion oriented towards fixing the root issue.

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Disagreeing with you is not derailing the topic.

I think gaijin should add SU-33 at 13.0/13.3 (13.0 please)

It’s a SU-27 that’s even more of a flying brick, but is carrier takeoff capable and it’s very cool

I love cool planes

@MiG_23M how would the forward canards affect the SU-33 compared to base SU-27? Any ideas?

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@kitsune_qq, why are you arguing on here when you don’t even play top-tier air? I’m level 91, and you have fewer combined top-tier games than me. This is your rank 8 game.


We’d be lucky if they make it 13.3 like the Su-27S because it has 12 pylons instead of 10.

The canards + larger wings give it more lift overall which helps offset the weight increase. The engines also feature an emergency boost mode, but I don’t know if/how this would implemented, perhaps in a similar fashion as how rocket boosters are activated in game.

As for the canards themselves, they were added on Sukhois whenever the centre of pressure needed to be moved forward for whatever reason. A side effect of that is better lift performance and less buffeting at high angles of attack (allowing the plane to pull G more safely) due to the vortices they create forward of and above the main wing.

It’s important to remember that Sukhoi canards do not control pitch like those seen on the Gripen; instead, they “follow the airflow” and point downwards towards the velocity vector of the plane when pitching up, similar to leading edge flaps/slats.

what is not? when they are in the nomenclature of weapons

Incorrect statement

Please do show me in this video how the canards are used to control the pitch.

Perhaps this photo is more illustrative?

Isn’t this only for taking off? Don’t think this AB will get added.

I believe so, so I also doubt it’d get added, especially since all naval fighters are modeled as being catapult-capable anyway. Then again, there are several planes that have takeoff boosters in the game, hence my doubt.

Russia bought several hundred R-77’s in the '00s, but likely used them up in testing. Given how WT is pretty generous with limited production and experimental missiles, it seems fairly reasonable to have R-77’s on older Russian modernization like the MiG-29SMT and Su-27SM (as well as abortive Soviet projects like the Su-27M and MiG-29M).

That being said, Gaijin will probably end up allowing more Russian prototype missiles, because there’s not much left to add otherwise for top tier aircraft.