Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

  1. The current russian energy bleeding also isn’t backed by the sources, so rn it’s a guess game

  2. You don’t know if these guys are seeking for stuff on their privacy instead of posting everything in the forums, if they find something interesting i’m sure they’ll share with us, like mig did yesterday with a document he found interesting and in many others instances in the past, therefore saying that “they can’t” serves no purpose other than demotivating them.

  3. I lost count of How many planes got nerfed/buffed after a long period of time and after many ppl declared “Nah, this is the final version!” multiple times.

These aircraft are all new in the game, if to this day they still couldn’t fix many 3rd gen which are much older than these, imagine how wrongly made are the 4th gen. If you don’t have anything to say besides “you can’t do It” then don’t say anything, being negative won’t help.


If you don’t care why do you keep saying these things?


Backed by thats how it in game btw, maybe just dev opinion/etc

For changes you need sources, mostly.

Read fully, dont take it out of context.

Which doesn’t have a source in the manual

Which I explained that there are ppl trying to find


You don’t care for what they’re doing, so why do you keep saying these stuff


Still, nowhere stated that dev must publish source.

Let me rephrase that(with same meaning):
I dont care as long as source is trustable

If the dev doesn’t have the source and chose to make up the vehicle’s characteristics, why not make It in a way that it’s closer to its counterparts instead of giving it a poor FM?

  1. thats easier and already in game
  2. poor FM is nothing, with same i can say (any plane) have poor fm, and it will be similar.
  3. why it must be close? For example close for tomcat which have very different design? Or what about gripen/mirage/etc?

That’s laziness in the purest form

Not when the discrepancy is absurd as it is with the current 4th gen aircraft ingame.

To have a better gameplay against its peers, if they have the option to improve then why not improve. Also the mig29 has a similar design to the f15 and a better twr ratio but It’s significantly worse ingame (FM wise).


Yes, but that also money.

Better gameplay… thats not about realism and not about balance.

Also F-15 just have 1.5 times more wing area, which does matter.

This just makes Gaijin seem more incompetent and greedy lol, everyone already knows that and it’s often stated here.

When you have a fm that it’s blatantly inferior to the others then you can be sure that it’s about balance. About realism, since it was stated that the devs don’t need a source to configure the energy retention, this discussion stopped being about realism.

If the devs don’t have a source and making the plane worse or better in energy retention is purely assumption and can’t be realistic, then it’s wiser to make both closer so it’ll at least be balanced.

That’s not the only characteristic that makes the plane maneuverable, mig25 have large wings but it is a boat, f16 is much smaller than the f15 but can sustain better than it, while the f15 has others advantages.


Incompetent, but theyre right, at least in case with su27.

Interior, but is it true for parameters? I dont think so, Su-27 still pulls a lot of AOA.

And where devs stated that they doesnt need documents for FM? Yes, they didnt do exact values, but at least very near.

Yes, but comparing F-15 with MiG-29 not really correct.

The devs didn’t say that, you did

How Can you say they’re right if they don’t have a source in the energy retention?

If you can compare a f15 with a f16 then you can compare it with the mig29, after all they are contemporary planes.


Maybe just dev opinion”

Maybe they have, no?

Why dont compare F-15 with MiG-9 for example then?

That’s not a valid response, If they had they’d post It, like they always do. They don’t work with unclassified stuff and they often share sources to players with incorrect reports so they can correct them and convince them that there’s no issue with the matter being reported.

F15 is a 4th gen supersonic fighter like the f16 and the mig29, the 3 of them developed in the same decade with the mig29 being introduced a bit later in the 80s, the mig9 is a 1st generation subsonic jet 30 years older.


They dont publish any sources, except bug reports(which have sources inside).
Why they must to publish for Su-27 then?

Then MiG-21, also supersonic, generations is only marketing.

Nope when they have the source they cite it to the player that it’s reporting the issue, in the case of the su27 they cited the STR charts which I explained that can be achieved through using different variables.

Mig21 is a plane from the 50s with ancient design, engines and avionics. I don’t understand why you think that it’s wrong to compare the f15 with the mig29 since even nato often did that with the warsaw pact mig29s.


They might use different source, that nobody reported.
Sometimes they can just name source, but not always.

Thats wrong to compare F-15 aerodynamics with MiG-29

This is purely assumption from your part, i think it’s more realistic to believe that they don’t have a source, otherwise they’d use it to debunk these claims instead of using the STR charts as an argument.


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Then you can just say smth like game not made by charts, where was no reports and that only dev imagination. But thats not true…

Different weight, TWR, wing area(also overall area with hull) and other.