Suggestion: remove the ground RB nuke because it is unrealistic

and all others, that played a good game will get punished. nice balance

Yes, let’s see it really is somewhat unfair for the other players, but nuclear bombings are not very common, since it is not something that continually affects you.

i dont know if its only me. but i have it daily at least once. thats what i can say.

It has been a good while since i last saw a nuke dropped. Still think that going 10-0, at min, is a decent amount of effort needed for it.

If you are having issues being a newbie then maybe you shouldn’t buy your way to higher tiers.

It ain’t that easy to cheat in war thunder.

nah keep them it so fun when see someone get hard earn nuke just to get shoot down right after they take off.

Sake of fun gaming experience.
The Nuke gives players a goal.
Keep the nuke.

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Im gonna toss my opinion into the ring, I think it should be removed, in my experience it removes the possibility of a well earned comeback victory

On a side note, at least for the love of god get that shitty geiger counter sound away from my ears, I instantly rip my headset off once a nukes drops so i don’t have to hear that infuriating noise. AND IT CONTINUES TO PLAY IN THE HANGAR


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cant read correctly ? my team wins without a nuke. if we were losing anyways it wouldnt bother me to get nuked.

Dont forget that the guy who got the nuke contributed the most for your team. If the match was already ending then what’s wrong with finishing it a bit faster. It’s not like you can get 3-4 kills in that time. So stop crying.
You are probably one of those guys who shoot down friendly nuke bombers.


If a team ignores a single player for such a long time that he gets a nuke he deserves it in my opinion.

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such a way out is to distribute rewards to all allies who forcibly ended the game at the behest of the “Duke de Nuclear” at the expense of this Duke.

Getting a nuke is already a pain and you can shoot it down.

If you want to play simulator battles then do so. Realistic battles is a misnomer. It’s just the main stay game mode of War Thunder, more “Hard core” than arcade, but not annoying realism like sim.

Nothing realistic about Warthunder anymore so the nuke doesnt matter.All does is end a good game early sometimes.

For me nukes should be more rewarding. Almost always dropping nukes is suboptimal in therms of grind-the only time i consider dropping nukes are battles that my team is losing and I get enough sp to drop it. In battles where you got sp for a nuke and your team is winning, its way better to stay on the ground or just spawn CAS. Also I have like 65% winrate on my russian 8.7 (without cas, spaa or premiums (also i tanked it from 70%, cause im doing battle pass quests on it)), and after like 100+ battles on my best performing lineup, I got enough sp for a nuke like maybe 8 times, so people claming that they can spawn nuke few games are either gods of this game or they are lying.

And the Me-262 engine explodes if you’ve put too many hours on it. Me-163 fuel sometimes randomly eats the pilot.

Yeah, cheaters are basically ruining every single game with their nukes, right ?
I was grinding through US tech tree and saw like 4-5 nukes total in like 500+ 9.0+ matches, two of which were mine, so I really think you’re exaggerating.

Guess what happened in my last match. I was defending area around A and was left unchecked for like 10+ minutes and got like 8 kills and 3-4 assists in a Ratel 90, a vehicle that can be killed by 7.92mm MG fire. If a team cannot stop that from happening, well, it’s on them and I should be able to enjoy that.

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go report more my posts and casual drop Atom bombs. :D
50% of nukes were yours , of course you want to keep them .

get a life.

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I’m not reporting your posts.

I want to keep it because it’s one of the only ways to win a match even with an objectively worse team.

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