Suggestion: Remove bombs exploding from gunfire

So we agree

So, our experiences in Iraq are different no need to worry about video games at all then.

The one and only hit I took in numerous games is about right. It’s not like it happens often.
A rare occurrence in game matching a rare occurrence in real life.


The chance of bombs exploding due to enemy fire are so slim that it shouldn’t happen most of the time.

Maybe +20mm explosive rounds would be able to blow up a bomb, if the round hits at such an angle that the fuze will penetrate the steel body. That’s already super unlikely to happen with a 20mm shell.

For a bomb to blow up the explosive filler must be struck by a detonation, something that can only happen when the shell penetrates through the bombs steel body while also carrying explosive filler.

So sure, larger cannons firing explosive ammunition should be able to detonate bombs with direct hits but for smaller calibers it doesn’t make a lot of sense, unless they model the bomb fuze as a module that can be hit seperately.


I have yet to have a bomb explode due to MG,Cannon fire in the game. It may be a pointless new mechanic but its hardly game breaking so far.

Good points.It does depend on what is firing at what.Quite a bit of body armour is just ceramic sheet not the thickness of some bomb casings and as we know we have some bombs falling thousands of feet without detonating.Odd what Gaijin consider to be a priority when introducing new elements to the game.


This topic has been posted recently before so i am going to repeat my self, i dont think a bomb should be detonated while bay doors are shut

You know that the thin sheet metal of a bomb bay door, or… any piece of an airframe provides no protection from gun fire. And this probably got pointed out to you before too right?

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I am aware of that, i have worked in the air industry checking the thinknes of sheet metal with ultra sound. Anyways it was a simple work around, ie bombs not armed while doors are shut etc

The bombs are not “armed” until they are released from the aircraft. The bombs are fused when they are loaded, but that is not what causes bombs to explode when struck by fire, because its not the fuse which is hit. It takes a shell with the explosive equivalent of the fuse to detonate the bomb and has the ability to penetrate the case of the bomb.
Its an interesting try to find a middle ground, but its really not any more realistic than having them go at any other time.


Your making it too real imho, you would not drop the bombs while doors are shut

U do in Arcade…

This is realistic section of the forum

This is an unrealistic effect/mechanic. Its an unnecessary and unrealistic nerf on bombers, who are already painfully nerfed.

I have shot down plenty of bombers and only a few have exploded, in any of these cases the bomber is going to die, so does it really matter if it goes BANG, in most cases where i have not shot down a bomber is usually when i am tailing or they pilot snipe me, so in general if i get close enough before they damage my aircraft they are dead. The op may be over reacting to the graphical representation of his death.

So, would the bomber have survived without getting “bomb sniped”? Would it at least have gotten a crit on you instead of going boom?
You are kind of proving my point.

in any of these cases the bomber is going to die

You did not add that in your quote. You took a small piece and try to make it look like something else

You should try playing bombers some time.

I very much do, lancaster. Not much protection but flys well, even got a few pilot kills in sim, even got a pilot snipe at 2.5k in ARB. When i get battle pass task to kill bases i now use the b25, bomb the base znd get back to af before the enemybhas reached middle of map

No need for such suggestion. At of now the bomb exploding from gunfire is broken. The bomb exploded but do no damage to the carrier aircraft. I don’t know if it from the recent update but I have been trying to spade all tanks to rank IV since the sale and playing a few SPAA and got some bomb detonation under the aircraft belly with the huge explosion and there was no damage at all.