Hello, I am wondering where to put this discussion I’d like to start up, regarding tank barrel damage? In particular, damage to barrels that hit solid objects like buildings, tanks and terrain. All too often tank barrels can traverse through all these objects, without damage, or without hindrance.
Thanks and Happy New Year
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This idea has been discussed and dismissed looooooong years ago…
Gaijin’s statement about colision models for tank gun barrels could be tl;dr: “Nope, players would spend more time repairing them barrels than actually playing the game.”
Basically, players are too reckless, careless and overall bad drivers, so they would only be pissed if they had to repair their gun barrels every now and then…
Happy New Year to you, too… :)
But we do repair our barrels from time to time. I am just hoping that the game play can be a bit more accurate by impeding the barrel movements when trying to traverse the turret through solid objects.
Only 2 tanks in the game have it IIRC, the 155mm MLe. From France. I’d enjoy it, more specifically, not letting you push it through, but also not terminally damaging the barrel to an unusable state for larger caliber guns; for smaller guns, it’s about a 100% chance they get bent.
Yes, we do repair barrels from time to time, but not everytime we drive through a wall or when we crash into a tree/building/rock…
Believe me, I’d like to see barrels as physical objects unable to phase through buildings etc., but I also understand why Gaijiners don’t want to do that, as mentioned above…
Maybe a compromise, barrels as solid objects which cannot be damaged from colisions with other objects. However, I’m not entirely confident in Gaijin’s capability to implement this correctly, or at all…