Suggestion: Integral rework of modern MBT armor implementation (Poll)

I want to avoid that mindset. Im hoping someone will give me a serious and constructive answear. After all the point of the forum is discussion.

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Nah I think he is right tho. Probably 50/50 split between what he said and just some unloved trolls who can’t stand to see someone else succeed in their efforts and making others game experience better while they rot away in their mothers basements hunched over a keyboard balding at 23.

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I want to belive there is someone who will give me a proper explanation. Let me dream.

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Ok, what do you think. I’m curious, this is one of the things where it’s either people who want their no skill play style to endure or just trolls who think they are funny by voting no. You said it yourself. There is really no reason to vote no.

Well, there is also a optioin that these are Spanish loyal followers, that never fail to dislike/hate speech anything that comes from Spanish. Yea thats probably the case.

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Yeah prolly right

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Yea, i just realised its probably Spanish fanclub.
Tbh im impressed they still hold any grugdes. Not like they should in the first place. The change that was proposed and what we got were 2 different things, and Spanish should not be blamed for snail tirckery. But they do they.


Very much supporting this. All Western vehicles past 1980s (at best 1990s) have next to 0 primary sourcing available that relates to their armour.

M1A2 SEPv2 & 2A7V illustrate this perfectly. Both have been known for ages to have improved protection from both KE & CE threats, yet in WT they are no different to vehicles from late 1980s (in case of SEPv2) or are actually worse than the prototypes of their previous iterations from 1990s (in case of ther 2A7V).

Gaijin pretends to believe they can keep going forward by relying on pretty much the Swedish Trials, but no… they very much can not.


+1 I fully support this suggestion. This can be a incredible good change for EVERYONE.

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Can’t believe the conversation here dried up so quickly.

+1, hope people will start seeing this again.


Sadly unlike the stock APFSDS that affected everyone in top tier, this affect only those who try fixing the game, so minority.


This reluctance to make assumptions is the entire reason half the MBTs we have are dead

Admittedly the Leclerc based on what we know is a bit buggered anyway, but tanks like the Chally and Ariete are screwed over (I can particularly speak for the Chally as we’ve continually had armour nerfs to the point where we can barely defeat incoming shots when hull down, which is the whole point of the Armour scheme)

There’s absolutely no reason to reject this poll on the basis it would mean we could actually provide decent sources and get a whole host of buffs for minor nations

Unless of course you’re deluded and think the big three are underpowered in all game modes and every other country serves as an RP pinata.


It’s always the same story.

Anything short of manuals is discarded.
But then manuals are discarded too for being classified.

It is evident that Gaijin’s current modern MBT armor modelling criteria DOES. NOT. WORK.

One of the most recent examples would be Merkava Mk.4’s weight and armor.
It should be heavier but also significantly stronger because of that.

However, Gaijin is rejecting THE LITERAL IDF stating so because “it’s not a primary source”. They then proceed to demand manuals they would discard for not being public as well.

It just feels like they actively try to do anything on their power to refuse to improve things towards realism.


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