Suggestion and Feedback for Naval Enduring Confrontation

We know the problem sadly …
I dont know why they limited BR to 3.3 as allowed vehicle. Some good coastal are bellow

I enjoy Naval EC but there are a few things that need to change and if they did the interest in the mode would go out the roof. Make it so the lobbies would start with 8 players as mentioned before. However currently you need to gain points to get a better vessel or plane and that is what absolutely ruins this mode! This idea should be abandoned completely and just do it like Air Sim and charge X amount of SL for the higher vehicles. This would eliminate the biggest problem with Naval EC and that is that you have about 5 minutes before the the first BB’s and Heavy Cruisers spawn in. Once these guys hit the map anyone in a 5.0 destroyer is screwed and that continues on for the rest of the game. So easy fix is make it so everyone is on the same playing field at all times. Or they need to just go ahead and implement submarines at 4.3/5.0 and that would also correct the BB problems really quickly. I vote for both 😉


What Naval Enduring confrontation badly need: way more rp and sl. At this time, its simple: not woth it to play. If it would be such as in air sim (enduring conf), player gain rp and sl with time (of course with activity!) that would be great!

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If they make it like sim with constantly open lobbies and servers you can join or leave on demand I think it would be great


I’d like that gaijin contact me to make changes of the missions. We would have better things and correction of bugs

I would love to see this gamemode available through the week. As I have difficulties getting time to play the Realistic EC Mode.

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I think EC needs more targets to destroy or capturing for different types of vessels. For example, adding oil rigs that would need to be captured or destroyed (by cannons, bombs, rockets like bases). Also adding an areas where large ships would not be able to get there but could be reached by boats and there would be tasks suitable for them. Currently there are very few targets to shoot at in EC and in the case of coastal navy there are almost no meaningful targets.

I would also appreciate places where it would be possible to exchange a ship for another without losing the ship. For example, in the docks. Naval EC has huge potential, Gaijin just needs to invest some time to it and make appropriate changes.


It will be great for Port moresby map, that cargos do not give spawn in the enemy team …
Then, it will be great if matchmaking could balance players that have BBs and havent in their lineup !

The most important change that should be added to Naval Battle EC is to add back the previous increase in income.

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I agree that it need 50 or 100% increased

This right here is the answer. Multiple times today I have seen the wait in the high teens, then a bunch go into a match and 3 of us are left “looking for match”.

I just came back yesterday after a year hiatus and it is laughable that they still havent done anything to make it even playable. The ONLY match I was able to get into this last weekend was after a 45 minute wait

There are tips to find match faster. As like do not squad with friend if there are an already launched match.
Cause YES, there is no game lobby
A game match last 3 hours.
After 1 hour, players cannot join it anymore.
So, a new one will be made is there are 16 players

I wast in a squad. Pure solo. The one match I did get into was because half the team was already gone because they were losing. Yet, again, 1 match in 2 days and that was after waiting 34 minutes. The 3 of us in lobby werent grouped. That was just the number shown for waiting for a match once the rest of the group vanished at the exact same moment (which implies they got into a game)