Suggestion: Adjust T95 Battle Rating in Ground RB to 6.7

Dear War Thunder Team,

I would like to address the current Battle Rating (BR) of the T95 in Ground Realistic Battles, currently set at 7.0. I believe this rating places the vehicle at a disadvantage and is not reflective of its combat capabilities compared to other vehicles at this BR. I suggest lowering the T95’s BR to 6.7 for the following reasons:

  1. Mobility Limitations:
    The T95 is incredibly slow, with one of the worst mobility profiles for vehicles at its BR. Its low speed makes it easy for more mobile opponents to outmaneuver and flank it, especially on larger maps where positioning is crucial. This mobility issue often results in the T95 struggling to influence battles effectively.

  2. Vulnerability to Post-War Vehicles:
    At 7.0, the T95 frequently faces post-war tanks equipped with HEAT-FS and APDS rounds that can easily penetrate its armor, nullifying one of its primary advantages. Its large and flat surfaces make it especially vulnerable to these rounds, which are increasingly common at this BR.

  3. Performance Comparison:
    At 6.7, the T95 would better align with other heavy tanks and tank destroyers that share similar characteristics, such as limited mobility but strong frontal armor. For example, the T28, which shares many of the T95’s attributes, performs more comfortably at 6.3 and faces more balanced opposition.
    The T95 is quite literally the T28, but just with added tracks, not making it 0.7 battle ratings higher.

I believe that lowering the T95’s BR to 6.7 would allow it to perform more consistently and provide a more balanced experience for players. It would also better fit the historical and performance-based matchmaking framework that War Thunder strives to maintain.

Thank you for considering this suggestion, and I look forward to any feedback or further discussion.

Best regards,

I suggest you changing your topic to Ground Vehicle.

  1. Yet very slow, the vehicle itself is very maneuverable. You can quickly rotate the superstructure if you still got tracks with the neutral steering.

  2. It’s a good position. By this logic of vulnerability, PzKpfw VIII ‘Maus’ (Maus for short) should be placed on 7.3 along with other good armored heavy tanks like IS-4M, AMX-50 and so on, creating a chaotic place considering that 6.7 is a black hole of uptiers for lower Battle Rating and a trap for higher Battle Rating. The fact it faces HEATFS it’s a good way to balance the armor and the weapon, despite the mobility.

  3. The additional tracks on the T95 is a good reason for higher BR compared to the T28, because it completely removes a huge side weak spot. I feel bad for vehicles like a T-34-85 or a M4A3E2 (exportation) that would had to face a super armored vehicle, note that I mentioned most common units.

In conclusion, I believe keeping T95 at 7.0 because it won’t break a entire environment, messing with balance and making Gaijin to release another Battle Rating changes with the possible returnal of the T95 from 6.7 to 7.0. On top of that, vehicle Battle Rating is made by a serval of factors, and suggesting it won’t do much, you need a lot of people to agree with your idea, a lot of people badly performing on the vehicle and much more.


Thank you for your reply, I have had many reports from other T95 users. I myself, a USA main player am not really good at the T95 so that might be the problem. I guess it’s maybe just a “skill” issue.

If there are any T95 users that have the same issue, please reply to this, it would show that more people have this issue.

Best regards,

I strongly disagree, the T95 is essentially invulnerable at 7.0 already at 6.7 it’d fight even 5.7s which can’t even penetrate the sides


But it can be easily destroyed by CAS and from the rear. It’s a casemate. Idk, but if you ask me I’d say it’s reasonable. I feel bad for all the T95’s. I’d say the only thing that keeps it from going down is turning speed, which is not bad. I just remember how I killed T95’s while playing puma and stuff like that. It’s supposed to be a juggernaut, but at 7.0 it meets too many HEAT rounds and modern tanks. I already suggested a thing for all the super heavies btw. T95 feels ok at 7.0, but miserable at anything higher than that, same as MAUS, IS-4M, M103 and Conqueror. Why not just cap them at their current br? Or, for example, take all the modern shells from M103 and Conqueror, put them at 7.7 and cap them there. I mean don’t let them be uptiered. I think current matchmaker can handle that, plenty of people are playing 7.7 and lower.

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T28’s sides have 50mm of armor while the T95’s sides are around 150mm. That is why they are 0.7br apart.


It’s just too good at its niche to warrant a lower BR, if you aren’t using it as a close quarters juggernaut then you’re playing it wrong. At 7.0, it serves that purpose fine,

The T95 also could turn its hull a lot faster, which sometimes could say no to barrel shots and even make hitting the capula harder lol

True. Forgot about the increased hull rotation.

Even though the T95 isn’t that amazing at everything (I myself have no interest in playing it) it really can’t go down. What would you do if you fight this thing with only a Soviet 85? Plus the gun is very powerful, so power it was originally designated as a gun motor carriage. Point and click, and your enemy will no longer exist most of the time.

It would be better to see the APHE’s rework, before to change the Battlerating.

There is more powerful gun in that br, the T34 at 6.7 has 97mm angle pen, which is actually more potent than the T-10M in terms of penetration as most things ain’t flat, the only thing it lost to is the lack of explosive fillers. Also the Jagdtiger has it beat on the firepower department, which is also a 6.7, most things cannot pen it’s turret, and it has more gun depression as well and better optical zoom level, you cannot be called a sniper with that shitty zoom of T95. I have never see the T95 do well in a game, but I’ve seen a lot of player with good stats in their Jagdtiger, tutel is not a good tank destroyer IMO, you cannot pen the Jagdtiger turret with 85mm APHE, but you can kill the tutel with it by hitting the capula.

I do enjoy bonking the T95 with large HE on the cupola, but I do also feel bad… poor fella.

True, but pretty much all 5.7 tanks can penetrate the cupolas which would most of the time knock out the entire crew due to an ammo explosion or of the crew dying, I’ve been playing the T95 and it is very annoying to keep getting one shotted by tiger 2’s in the cupola. Since the T95 is very slow anything can flank it and come from the back, yes I get it, it has a fast hull rotation, but for example the T34 with a 120mm cannon with around 280mm penetration is a 6.7 tank and it most of the time is even deadlier than a T95.

This is a joke right? This vehicle is a blast to play, and the majority of players who come across you can’t even kill you besides using the cupola (which if you bush it up, is near impossible). If anything I may see it going up in BR. Heck I once got back to back nukes in this thing, it may be slow but it hits like a truck and is sure as heck hard to kill.

Hmm, well then it might be a skill issue on my part. How do you play this tank? What spots are the best per map? Would really love to know that. I also might get bushes or something later

Spots don’t really matter too much, just main central areas, and making sure you can’t get flanked. Also have key binds set to manually use the .50 cal so you can track tanks and kill light ones. Bushes are a saving grace, they hide the tanks cupolas so well, and make it extremely hard for tanks to kill you before they got one shot by you.

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I dont know if you have time for this, but maybe we could play together in War Thunder and perhaps you could learn me some stuff, if you have time or anything my discord is flinkevent. I’ve got around 850 hours on war thunder

Sorry to say I really don’t have time for that. Over time you’ll end up learning more and more just from playing and getting experience. Playing the game is the best way to improve naturally, however their are guides to improvement online I believe, maybe even some on YouTube.

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