Currently, all the F&F vehicles are labelled as light tank but it is not appropriate for QN506.
QN506 is not fast and actually the most slow one among all the F&F vehicles.
In real world all other F&F vehicles are actually IFV while QN506 is not IFV, it cannot carry any infantries. That is why something is much heavier in game is still labelled as light tank such as PUMA and Namer because they are IFV.
In real world QN506 is a fire support vehicles should be re-classed into Tank destoryer. Also for game play purpose it is extremely weak with poor performance. Just check how low the price is in Gaijin Market and it deserves a buff.
i would add that the performance of the tank, one hit to either of the missile launchers, instant ammo ignite if not complete detonation of the tank, upon receiving a spall or direct hit on the ammo belts which will burn out therefore an immediate ‘Leave vehicle’ as there are no spare ammo or 90% of the time captured point to restore the ammo, which will take 1-2 minutes.
Keep the scouting and change it to TD
This would mean it would lose its drone and spotting, which is a big loss in capabilities. Wouldn’t make sense to remove its drone anyways since its one of the few vehicles in the game that actually has drone integration onto the platform.
There are AA and TDs with scouting, wouldn’t be so hard just change it to TD and add ammo box, they control everything, they simply don’t care…event is done, ppl done it, few on the market, not a premium…so down the toilet :(