Subtrees, yes or no?

Israeli companies have done tons of modifications, programs, and more that the US had absolutely nothing to do with, such as the F-5E tiger III (F-5 plus). And just because the US supplied turkey with a few things doesn’t mean Israel didn’t also, just sake a look at them Sabras, you can barely see the M60 under it all…
There are countries that could be added ingame that have more to do with Israel than they have had anything to do with the US.

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Every nation should retain its identity. Adding subtrees removes that identity. However they are not useless.
If we simply take necessary vehicles from other nations and apply to existing nations, without creating a full subtree, it would both retain the identity and fill gaps.

A good example is the Argentinian TAM in Germany’s tree.


Where did turkey get those f-5s… Oh wait, it was America. Turkey is already in the US tree would make sense to make it a subtree if they ever decide to add it as one. From 2014-2018 US was 60% of turkeys arms imports (source: BBC News “Turkey: Which countries export arms to Turkey?”) The US has a very significant presence in turkey, with over 50 nukes stored in a US airbase on Turkish soil as well as an early warning radar system. Although pretty recently relationships have deteriorated (they also deteriorated with Israel), the US has been a very big military influence and source of weapons for turkey.

the very nature of a subtree is to use similar/related nation’s equipment to fill gaps in an otherwise small tree. The US tree will never need a subtree because (naturally) the US tree is giant, and has plenty more to be added

Event/premium/camos/squadron could all be ways for more Turkish stuff to be added. M60 AMBT already in US, logically add rest of Turkish stuff to US due to historically (cold war to like 2018) pretty good relations

I see where you’re coming from, but that was also how Israel’s stuff was in the US tree until they spun it off to make its own tree (three Merkavas and an Apache). I’m pretty sure if Gaijin was to add a new TT to the game it would be Turkey, since a new TT = new set of premiums to make money on (and there’s a good amount of vocal Turkish players they’d want to pander to). A Turkish TT would probably be about the same size as the Israeli TT was on launch

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Philippines, Actually would make an interesting one

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I don’t understand why subtree exist if it too add tanks and planes that already in the game such as finland with T 34 or Belgium with f16
I am not against subtree but only if it only have original vehicles .

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I would like subtrees idea to stay, even with copypaste when necessary.
The only thing I would change is the need to research identical vehicles few times in different nations (I mean full copies, such as M4A4 in Italy, China and France for example). So make it like if you’ve already researched Hungarian T-72M1, you can now buy German and Finnish T-72M1 (with the need to research all vehicles before it of course).
I made suggestion on the Russian forum about this idea. I think it will make grind of second, third and etc nation easier and more enjoyable + it will motivate people to grind new nations (“like I already have smth in this nation, why not to research more”). Imo it’s actually way better than research bonuses for new nations teased in roadmap.

For vehicles in the subtree that involve copy-paste, I think copy-paste is acceptable if the country is in dire need and can’t find a more unique option to produce its own home.

For example, the Hungarian ZSU-57-2 seems to me to be unnecessary, but the addition of Strela-10 to Italy can be considered

It has far less potential for meaningful expansion. And also the US is where a sizable chunk of gaijins earnings from war thunder comes from and that same Turkish audience would probably spend some money. Basically they get the typical payday from a US premium plus the money from all the turkey fans who want it

That’s just turkey, and also a county that deserves its own separate tech tree, not just a sub tree.

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Furthermore, the Turks apparently do not seem interested in being sub-tree of Israel, they want their own tree and it is understandable because they have many indigenous things, in the same forum you have the suggestions of the tree of Turkey with quite a few votes in favor


I was quite surprised when I first saw the ground forces tech tree, lots of unique additions I didn’t expect. It has quite the potential at being a future tech tree.


Can you send a picture of it? I’m curious as to what is considered indigenous

See the whole thing for yourself here. On the surface a lot of it may look copy paste, but the closer you look the more you realize there’s a lot of unique potential additions.

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There are 6/7 unique aircraft in the new sub-tree for France.
The only mostly copy-paste sub-tree has been Hungarian air.

Turkey doesn’t have enough vehicles for their own.
As proven with the link you provided; starting at rank 4 with far more copy paste than Israel, and Israel has less copy paste than China now.

It’s too large and unique to be a sub tree imo, well depending on the air tree that is.
Just slap a small subtree to the side of it and it’s a perfect and fun little tech tree like Israel is. Tbf tho I don’t see it coming for a while if ever, since things like United Korea or an Iranian tech tree would make a better choice for a new tech tree to implement.

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8 ranks, 32 unique vehicle slots minimum with 2 lines with one foldered each.
There is less than 32 unique vehicles present in that suggestion.
There’s 14 South African ground vehicles currently.

Turkey cannot physically be large enough when they both start at rank 4 and don’t have many unique vehicles. Especially when the Israeli originated vehicles can and should go in the Israeli tech tree… “as well” if Turkey was given its own.

Turkey is the sub-tree.

Problem by not adding subtree:
Specific aircrafts, original designs will not exist if there were no subtree.


Adding all potential Main Country vehicule before adding subtree should be done in 1st plane.

France for exemple still not recieved Loire-Nieuport 410 dive bomber, nor the Koolhoven FK.58, which was bought from netherland to France, and which never flew under other colors.

There is like this one plenty of aircrafts France could get in the game.