Lovely image I just found in a book I have just inherited on the U-XXI Submarine being constructed.
I dearly hope we soon are able to use submarines ingame. Because the Submarine Event was absolutely amazing. Yes there were areas that could be improved such as historical depths allowed and manual/automatic depth charge settings for their depths. But otherwise it was a striking form of gameplay and I hope it comes back to Naval in a permanent fashion.
IIRC the event sub’s stat card listed the correct crush depth, so the artificial limit was likely specifically for that event mode (it’s much easier to test and gather data if players are actually “forced” to fight).
As far as I am concerned, submarines are THE most important step for naval warfare before adding modern warships with ship to ship missiles. Both of which I and many others are anticipating heavily.
I visited it a couple of years ago. Other than the fact that some of the pumps were placed outaide the pressure hull, and because of inadequate quality control when building the seperate sections for the submarine, causing major maintenance and hull issues including water tightness. The Submarine was leagues ahead of anything similar at that time.
Yeah, a lot of post war subs were at lest in some way based on the U-XXI (and her systems/technologies), especially some soviet subd look like “you can copy my homework, but don’t make it obvious”