Submarines implementation

so i tried out subs in warthunder mobile very mediocre if these are added to main war thunder on pc and xbox and playstation. The subs can barely stay under water for a minute before resurfacing for air which is very bad as then your just a sitting duck hopefully in future they change this for The main game.

my question is whats your predictions on how these are gonna be added in techtrees whats the predictions for first lower tier subs and then higher tier

my prediction is they start with WW1 subs as theyll be the worst


then move on to later variants
H I Sutton - Covert Shores
and they will probably have there own section of the tree hopefully

They will probably be added to naval with a major rework to naval system itself to so this should bring lots of players as there are no submarine games on console so be very good for gaijin to add
Uboot WW2 GIF - Uboot WW2 Germans - Discover & Share GIFs

I mean… U-boats? I guess those would be where the start of submarine tech trees must begin, in WW2. Unless you want to include the turtle from the 1800’s or something…? I predict that they will br similar to planes in GRB, a sort of ‘special’ thing to spawn. That is if they aren’t required to resurface for air very often as they are in wot evidently

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i liked how the events did it where you had a much longer time to be able to hide under the water my hope is they add a sea floor you can lay on the bottom of to avoid depth charges

spawning a sub will probably be same as spawning a plane

Welcome to arcade mobile games.

In War Thunder they’d just go 8 - 12kph underwater, which balances them.

And no, spawning a sub would be the same as spawning any other boat.

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yeah i dont mind slow speed but air time is very low hopefully this doesnt transfer over to warthunder
even WW1 subs could stay under for a few hours

Having their standard surface speed for getting positioning + slow speed for underwater balances them more than anything else.
The reason they become OP in other games is cause the games don’t make speeds realistic.

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its just a feauture i feel is unnecssary the speed is really a problem as its accurate to real life most submarines have snorkels which at periscope depth allow you submerge till batterys die so hope fully that is added to

I see you’ve had 3 edits of your post. It’s a shame that none of them were to put capital leters at the biginning of sentences and put in punctuation marks like full stops… 1/10, must do it again.

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I think this is where submarines should start xD

As a Warthunder immigrant from World of Warships, the latter game has a very balanced submarine gameplay. The submarine tech tree splits from the destroyer line in Tier VI, which is about rank IV in Warthunder. So we can start off with WW2 Submarines with the U-Boats and have nuclear submarines such as the Typhoons in rank VIII as a part of the major rework I would call “Nuclear Navy”.
Screenshot 2025-03-17 065203

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Please use the main Submarine thread to discuss about this topic.