I think it was overestimated to begin with
Lets agree to disgree
The engines are rather underwhelming but i still do extremely well in it since it has 12 R-77-1 and 2 R-73. But it definitely isn’t a plane to dogfight in.
Huh? There’s more tabs than ARB, want to try again?
It isn’t. It’s almost a direct upgrade in every category to the 27SM, which guess what? It’s competitive too!
The only thing that makes the AIM-120 aircraft good is the average cro-magnan ARB player is too stupid to defeat an ARH. It just so happens the AIM-120 is the most ubiquitous missile in the game so it makes most of the kills. If you look at what actually makes an ARH good, the only thing it has going for it is extreme long range. It has the worst maneuvering envelope, the worst time to target, and it doesn’t even make up for these extremes with incredible magazine depth like the R-77 carriers.
And they shouldn’t have done that either. If they wanted to make an SM3, then it should be a foldered vehicle or a mod that straight up turns the jet into the SM3. The current SM should lose the double pylons, and engines. SM3 mod or folder should have both of those and and upgraded radar.
This for the F-15C is more real than the Su-27SM double pylon or engine from the SM3, since it’s actually an F-15C.
Not that it needs it.
I’m well aware of the history of the F-15E and it’s engines. Not only are a majority of them -229 jets, they have been produced new with the -229 engines since 1990. None of that is relevant to the F-15E in-game however as the whole reason it has -229 engines is because they released it, and in the devblog said “hey, we don’t want to have it be a straight upgrade to the F-15C in both A2A and A2G” and the next day the F-15I was unveiled which was a straight upgrade to the F-15Cs in both A2A and A2G. Hardly anyone would have said anything if they hadn’t have just made a complete 180 on their rationale by adding the F-15I as well, which is also a direct upgrade to the F-15E anyway but yet I never hear any complaints about that, only the US one. Frankly a -220 jet with LANTIRN, no HMD, and no SDBs would have been fine if they also added one with -229, (at minimum LITENING) Sniper XR, SDBs, and LJDAMs at the same time or in the next update.
You do not tell me what the F-15E does and does not do with its CFT configuration. Especially not when one of the jets was doing it with my name on it, bud.
Because it cant?
You really hit that
“Source? I AM the source”
Goddamn i didnt think they ciuld pull that haed in close range.
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F15 aesa when?
f15 active when?
The goat