Su30SM is underwhelming

The Su-30SM truly is underwhelming…it has the worst T/W ratio of any flanker making its thrust vectoring essentially useless as you just fall out of the sky, i think the Su-30 should get the Su27SM engines/AL-41 engines that the Su-30SM was upgraded too irl, similarly to how the F15E got the 229 engine upgrade.


SM never got these engines, only SM2

Not similarly at all. The only change to the F-15E was the -220 → -229 engine, which was far more prevalent IRL anyway.

SM2 is an entire system upgrade, not just engine.


All it takes is a simple google search dude….your wrong… su30sm did receive a engine upgrade


We’ve modernized the Su-30SM and are now installing the more powerful AL-41F engine,” Veprev explained. “With updated onboard equipment, we now have an aircraft featuring improved characteristics, a stronger engine, and more effective weapon systems.

Literally from your own source. And in other places it has been “updating to SM2 standard”


No no… Let them get the upgrade.

Just means we can get AESA on the Typhoon FGR4 based upon this source :P


You’d have to wait for the Su-30SM2.

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As long as the F-15E gets the APG-82v1 and EPAWSS added as well I’m all for it, since it’s basically the same level of retrofit they are begging for.

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Well it would be nice to have the stronger engines…the Su30SM is the most dangerous top tier jet when fighting in close! Yes, it can go toe to toe with the Rafale in a HOBS fight! I would even give it the edge against the Rafale and its MICA because of the AoA and nose pointing the Su30SM can do.


Su-30SM has not been upgraded with that engine at this stage.
Su-30SMs started being upgraded within the last 6 months, so unlike F-15E, Su-30SM lacks the numbers.

Outside that, wait for SM2.
Mirage 2000 is the worst accelerator, BTW. Su-30SM is slightly better than that.

the sm never had those engines. the f14e had the 229’s, gaijin has severly nerfedevery single F-15 In the game.

How so?

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THE f-15 should be able to fly up in a straight line with its engines, even the f-15a it was the first U.S aircraft to be able to do so.

Who said it can’t?


Damn, a person who doesn’t even have a single top tier jet is arguing about the capabilities of top tier jets. You have 3 battles in all of rank 8. Please, don’t argue about things you literally don’t know anything about. I am not insulting your intelligence, and you might have watched some youtubers, or be an aircraft engineer, or tested all the planes on the dev server, but you don’t know what you are talking about when it comes to production Air RB games and these planes specifically because you simply don’t have them.

Su-30SM is the worst 14.0 in the game. It is literally worse than the Su-27SM. F-15E and EF-2000 have been the undisputed kings of top tier ARB for 4 months at this point. Before that it was the F-15C and F-16C. Before that it was the Tomcat. I don’t care if Su-30SM hasn’t gotten the upgraded engines yet IRL - this is a videogame. They could easily give it the engines to make it more competive at top tier, just like they did with the Su-27SM by giving it the SM3 engines without anything else (like new radar or missiles). That didn’t stop them last time.

Initial F-15Es in USAF had the old PW-220 engines, which were later upgraded to the -229 engines that the F-15E has in the game. The F-15Es also almost never fly without CFTs, whereas they do all the time in War Thunder. Here is a rough TTW calculation I did a few days ago for current top tier planes, assuming afterburner is on:

Lightest / Clean Config (Minimum Fuel, No Load)

  1. EF-2000 – TWR ≈ 1.35
  2. Gripen C – TWR ≈ 1.28
  3. F-15E (no CFTs) – TWR ≈ 1.26
  4. Rafale C F3-R – TWR ≈ 1.21
  5. Su-30SM2 (AL-41F1S) – TWR ≈ 1.19
  6. Su-27SM – TWR ≈ 1.17
  7. J-11B – TWR ≈ 1.15
  8. Su-30SM (AL-31FP) – TWR ≈ 1.12
  9. F/A-18C – TWR ≈ 1.09
  10. F-15E (with CFTs) – TWR ≈ 1.03

Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW)

  1. F-15E (no CFTs) – TWR ≈ 0.857
  2. EF-2000 – TWR ≈ 0.78
  3. Su-30SM2 (AL-41F1S) – TWR ≈ 0.763
  4. Rafale C F3-R – TWR ≈ 0.75
  5. Su-30SM (AL-31FP) – TWR ≈ 0.725
  6. Su-27SM – TWR ≈ 0.72
  7. J-11B – TWR ≈ 0.72
  8. F-15E (with CFTs) – TWR ≈ 0.721
  9. Gripen C – TWR ≈ 0.705
  10. F/A-18C – TWR ≈ 0.70

Obviously, nobody in WT flies with min fuel and no load, or at MTOW, but it won’t change the order that much. You can clice it however you wan’t, but the math doesn’t lie. The SM and even the SM2 would still have lower TWR compared to the current kinds, aka F-15E and EF-2000. Adding the SM2 instead of the SM would at least make the Su-30 competitive, whereas right now the Su27SM is literally better in all aspects but the radar.

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Nobody is talking about a full system update here, all we want is just better engines to make it COMPETITIVE and not literally the worst 14.0. Even the F-18C accelerates and climbes better. Right now there is no reason to play the Su-30SM if you already have the Su-27SM. They could go the same route they already took with the Su-27SM and just give the Su-30SM better engines without changing anything else. The Su-27SM we have in game have the AL-31F-M1 engines from the Su-27SM3, but it does not have any other upgrades from the SM2 or SM3. It is literally a fictional plane right now because it is simply a regular 27SM with 27SM3 engines. They could do the exact same thing to the 30SM and give it the 30SM2 engines without changing anything else, and even then it would still have worse flight performance than EF-2000 and F-15E. At least it would be a clear upgrade to the Su-27SM, just how the F-15E is a clear upgrade to the F-15C. It’s like if the F-15E we have in the game had the PW-220 engines which the original production models had instead of the newer PW-229. Gaijin literally tried doing that and US mains cried so loud and so much that Gaijin gave the American F-15E better engines, too. Please, tell me how are these two situations different in vacuum, without bringing up the Isreali F-15E? And don’t mention year of introduction, please, because it is a game that has to be balanced. Otherwise we would have to talk about King Tigers facing Shermans and T-34s instead of IS-3s and T-29s

Just because it’s the worst doesn’t mean it’s bad.

You still have a great radar and one of the best missile loadouts.


Except you cannot not bring up the F-15I.

The reason the US mains were mad wasnt because they got the F-15E without the better engines. ( A few i’ve spoken to would have almost prefered that actually, and maybe had the F-15E at a lower BR rather than as the top tier option) They were mad because the Israelis got a multirole F-15 with the upgraded engines and the US did not. It would be like giving the Chinese J-11 better engines but not giving them to the SU-27. Soviet mains would be mad.

Su-30SM seems like a perfectly competitive aircraft at the moment. Is it meta? maybe not. But it has the second best radar at top tier. The greatest compliemnt of AAMs at top tier (both variety and quantity) and a perfectly capable flight performance. Can you dominate every match like the Mig-23 and Mig-29 use to? No, but to call it “uncompetitive” is rather dishonest,


Simple solution: they should not have added the F-15I. But we are way past that already. Most people would not grind a whole tech tree for one plane. I don’t even remember the last time I saw the F-15I, if ever.

J-11B has better engines than the Su-27SM.

As for this, I just checked your in-game profile, and you are a British main with 14 battles in the Typhoon with nothing else researched. How can you even talk about USSR, or USA, or other planes and them being competetive or not when you literally do not have any experience or things to compare them to?


Check the SB tab not the RB tab. I do not play RB all that much.

Also…Bringing up stat cards is just a funny tactic when you have no decent counter argument.

I may not have experience in the Su-30SM. But I sure as hell have fought against R-73, R-27ER, R-27ET and R-77s.

The only real weakness of the Su-27 from my PoV was a bad radar. The Su-30SM not only fixes that issue, but adds a stronger missile. Having spent a year in the Tornado F3 struggling against Mig-29s and then Mig-29SMTs. I know what it truly means to be “uncompetitive”


New update
Russia is getting new top tier jet
Russian mains: “this is gonna change everything it’s gonna be so amazing”
It’s mid
(MiG-29SMT, Su-27S/SM, Su-34, Su-30SM, etc)

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