Su30sm and r37

As Russia is now equipping the Su30 with r37s in Ukraine it would be nice to have the hypersonic extreme long range missiles historic to russia’s air strategy in game.

Maximum speed: Mach 6 (7,400 km/h; 4,600 mph)2,500 kilometres per hour (1,600 mph) (RVV-BD)

Operational range: 150–400 km (93–249 mi) Up to 200 kilometres (120 mi) (RVV-BD)

Yeah, sounds pretty cool! The only problem is balance

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It’s not getting added and if is added it’ll be cancer.

Ragebait was once believable

It’s fairly easily avoidable. It was made for shooting down AWACS and bombers more so than fighters. Y’all really just want to fly in straight lines straight at the enemy don’t you 😞

Maybe one day we could see AIM-174B/260, PL-15/21, R-37 and Meteor in game

what do you think about 12.3 F-14A?

Well none of those are competing with the r37, they drastically out perform it 😅 but yes it would be cool some day when we have proper Electronic warfare tools and tactics in game.

Pretty easy to kill,not really a problem to dodge the phoenix missiles. Could even be 12.0 and I wouldn’t have a problem with it in any 11.0 aircraft in game.

great. i do think the AIM-174B and PL-17/21 are the most direct counterparts to R-37M though

Maybe? But those were designed for a larger role and are 30 years newer than the r37

i said R-37M, that one is from late 2010s.

also, AIM-174B is just air launched SM-6, so its more of a 2013 missile

Huh, didn’t know I said r37m though… Odd. I didn’t? So you’re arguing against something I’m not even proposing really.

i guess theres not really a counterpart to the original R-37. maybe a fixed AIM-54C would sorta be in its league.

Pretty much, hence why it’s not really an absurd proposal I swear 😅

It would basically be a really fast phoenix only available at 14.0, and by that br notching and chaffing is second nature to most when it comes to evading BVR launches

you think we could see it on a MiG-31?

maybe plain R-37 for earlier MiG-31, and R-37M for newer MiG-31

Would be the only reason to add the mig31 to game. It’s basically the whole point of the aircraft. So I would hope so.

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its just a cool jet in general. so i wouldnt say only reason but definetly part of it

and wouldnt R-33 be more reasonable?