Su30sm and r37

I gotcha, the reason I say “only reason” is because other than with that missile there is absolutely no where in the tech tree where it would be competitive without it. But yea a late and early version of the 31 in the tech tree and making the mig25 an event or squadron vehicle might be cool. Or some variation of the 3. I suspect gaijin might be doing this and it will mirror the hornet launch with 1 of 3 being a premium.

I don’t believe the r33 was capable of hitting anything past a straight line massive aircraft. I don’t believe it was maneuverable in the slightest, but I could be wrong. I only ever heard of its failures 😅

r33 had 9g overload i think

Su-30SM2 was the variant with this missile, maybe then we’ll see it.

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Sounds right, it’s so low any movement from a fighter would make it miss. Hence why they rapidly redeveloped it

Some relevant stuff:

Sure, looking forward to Meteors on the Typhoon in that case though.

The Su-30SM does not carry R-37s

The only flankers that do are the Su-30SM2 and the Su-35S


Without r37 su30 is way to op. It should get 2x r73, 2x r27e r/t and 10x r77-1

Ok add this so u can also feel hypersonic stuff




only SM2

haha funny

Aim174b too now? Lets not kid. Game isnt ready for this

Sigh, the r37 and r37m are vastly different and i never said r37m. The r37 is a counterpart to the aim54c, very similar to the fakour but faster. The aim174b is 40 years newer, and i cant even talk about it because idk what is and isnt classified on it, but in short the 174b, meteor, and r37m are all beyond just a few leagues ahead of the r37. you sound so ignorant its obnoxious.

are you sure? that’s less than the older R-40RD (12-15g) of the MiG-25 and also less than AIM-9B

No they don’t lmao

another person that cant tell the difference between 37 and 37m i see.

specifications at bottom of article

max target G is a different thing 💀💀
this means it has at least 24g overload