Su-39\Su-25T Khod thermal imager six months of searching

I believe that they refuse to add a thermal imager to the SU-39 and SU-25T because of the SU-25SM3 coming this patch. There has been thorough information sent to Gaijin but this clearly isn’t enough, for god sake even the model for the Khod is in-game but Gaijin refuses to add it.

And check out this very long report I made, discussing a large issue with the LOSAT and a smaller side suggestion regarding the FLIR it had in real life, suggesting a potential solution to fixing the main problem.

Unbeknownst to me, the FLIR was already mentioned in another report, and they made that clear, which is fine. However, they didn’t even acknowledge the main problem: That the missiles are not flying correctly, and they are near unusable in their current state. The FLIR was more of a side comment, and a suggestion to help fix the main problem.

All those hours of research and effort, to not even get the main issue acknowledged.

Even with a thorough report and video evidence, its still not enough.


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I still have my losat coupon, guess I’ll sell it when it’s worth something

That’s definitely the most optimal option right now. It is not an enjoyable vehicle at all right now.

A challenging vehicle is good, as long as its a potentially fun challenge. This is not fun, this is just pain.

So tragic, I was really excited to see one of my favorite military projects get added, only for it to be completely botched on arrival :(

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