Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Funny, I thought T-8TM-4 was 1 of 3 models at MAKS with Kopyo attached.

A question… When i lock a target with thermal optics, how can i unlock it?

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Deactivate target point bind

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it has 2 r73s at the moment.

Lets put a strike aircraft at 13.0 with ARHs!

That will be very funny to watch, a glorified Su25 getting slammed out of the sky by an AMRAAM with more than three times the range of an R77 since it was launched by an actual fighter at altitude


Im looking forward to doing that against the current Su-25s/Su-39s. Fingers crossed Sea harrier FA2 (and by extension aircraft like the AV-8B+) wont be any higher than 12.3. Well within range to see them in matches.

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The 25T[M] did not have R-73s at the time of the post you’ve replied to

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It wouldn’t be 13.0 with RVV-AEs, R-27s and R-73Es, the R-27ER both out accelerated and outranged most ARH missiles in the developer server.

I can see it being 12.3


mhm? At a B.R where uptiered jets can come from 11.3… yeah, not a good idea to put it at 12.3.
Minimum 13.0

I’m expecting sub-sonics with ARH to be 12.3

So Sea Harrier FA2, AV-8B+, Su25 at around 12.3

Then lower performance supersonic ARH carriers, tornado F3, F4F ice, mig 21/mig 23 at 12.7

And then everything else 13+


There’s no way it’s 13.0 and being sub sonic, especially a low performance sub sonic.


11.0 faces AIM-54Cs, I don’t see why not.
AIM-54Cs should have far better range overall, as well as equal avionics.
There isn’t a single 11.3 without the proper countermeasures and RWR that cannot dodge an RVV-AE.

I don’t want some scummy Su-25TM shooting me down with R-77s while I’m in the Tornado/Phantom

Thats just a compression issue. But I’d say F14Bs would prove the greater threat still and we dealt with those just fine

I don’t want some scummy Tornado and Phantom with a competent modern RWR whining that my missile of the same era is unavoidable.

Chat can we get some decompression

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Why would you need to use the C key when you have an RWR showing you the range and direction of a missile?

Does anyone have documents that prove the SU-39 carried KAB-500Ls? Or any other form of evidence besides pictures.

I doubt this image alone would be enough for a bug report

Image provided by Foxxo caught my attention

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One of the original T8TMs here (T8TM-2)

Made a report on the KAB-500L and it got acknowledged, matter of time (hopefully) until the SU-25T and SU-39 receives it!

Link: Community Bug Reporting System