Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Yeah I suspect they might be waiting for such aircraft like the Su-30/35 to add these GEN 3 pods

Hopefully the MiG-29SMT is given the PDLCT along with its laser guided weapons that’s its missing.

We’ll see, kinda weird that they F-16C is absolutely cracked but the SMT is a bit underwhelming despite its real life capabilities…

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It might simply be that the F-16C could just get weapons and equipment already found in game and the SMT would need new stuff (at least that is what I assume)

Probably part of it. Gajjin is always a bit slow to creat new weapons or targeting pods

It can also use the KAB-500L and Kh-29L


Though would those not require a Tpod of some description?

Yeah, the lack of a pod being the key issue

Then I guess that is what they are working on . In any form. Maybe even waiting till a point in which a More advanced Tpod can be added without it being a massively unfair advantage. It is why im suspecting the next soviet aircraft addition will be something like a late Su-24. Something to match the CAS capabilities of the Tornado.

The Su-24 would still lack good optics tho ofc. Only having a camera similar to that found on the Mig-27K

Perhaps, but enhanced defensive capabilities like MAWS. A Good T-Pod is something the Soviets will never have (soon) , so they;ll likely be strong in other areas of CAS. like the incredibly tanky nature of the Su-39. Or volume of AGMs like the amount of Vikhrs that can be carried.

(main reason i think people fear Brimstones in the near future is not entirely their performance, but rather the volume that can be carried in addition to something like a Gen 3 Tpod)

So they’ll find some way to make the Su-24 strong.


One of the unfortunate things about the Soviet tech tree, everything is nearly the same when it comes to the early variants, the one thing that would make the Su-24s unique early on is the swiveling gunpods.

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Yeah, one of the reasons I hold out hope for multirole fighters like the Su-30 and Mig-35, since they both actually have modern capabilities for ground strike.

İ think you confused air superiority with CAS capabilites cause Russians cared about getting Air superiority against any foreign military.

There is a reason why they put so much effort into flight performance and missile performance on their planes.

I wondering if SU39 could get a new targeting pod, which is the same as the mirage 2k5f’s

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only khod.
the pod like mirage have in game should be on mig29smt.
TLDR or sapsan-e iirc


Why does it have a BVR BR then?

BVR does not equal high BR. Per the devs, efficiency in combat (both air and ground modes are factored but the exact metrics are unknown) is what determines BR. The last time the devs spoke about the Su-39, they said it was performing as expected, probably due to the overwhelming air to ground loadout.

If it had R-27ERs then it would be 12+

Honestly I could see 12.0 being an easy BR. It would still be worse than a 29 with a worse weapons loadout.

I’m still woundering when, if ever, they will show us what the later Su-25 is going to be that they plan to add some day.

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