eh not to sure of that, apparently the old teasers/trailers already showed the Mig 29s with R73 as well
True, but a big part of that was that they were new missles and the devs came out and made it known that the R-73’s at that time were unfinished and up in the air on implementation. Not I feel that there’s been live gameplay of the R-73, the devs are probably more confident in adding it too the game to see how it does on a fighter
At the very least it’s still reasonable to except the Su-39 too get the R-73
u mean the still bugged missle that needs to get fixed?
the problem i see i dont think it will happen this update maybe next one, because the event SU25BM gonna become useless right after its release? that is bad for their gajin market business they get a big cut out of those sales, and that is taking any reason to get the su25bm out, nobody would buy it if they can buy the su39
Well see, but I have a feeling it won’t be long before we see more R-73’S in the game
propably, that is why i am happy to sell the su25bm as fast as possbily and i am happy to get 30gjn, so i can pay for premium time and maybe this battle pass
Well, it has R-73s now
Better sell that event Su-25, cus it’s very useless now
yeah tmw, maybe they just are testing it, but looking at gajin how they are shoving everything into russias ass recently with the t90m leak on top of it, i am just exhausted how the game treats some sites
At this point, I was expecting them to announce R-77s for the Su-39 this update. with everything else soviets got. That just wouldnt surprise me anymore
You just dont get it, 80% WR is not enough. We gotta get to the triple digits
Im sure they’ll find a way to get into quad digit WR somehow :P
This game has been one giant social experiment too see how much longer until everyone just becomes a Russian main xaxaxa
Real talk tho: I can’t lie that I’m happy that the Su-39 gets R-73’s as R-60M’s we’re just dog**** at 11.3 on an attacker, but now I hope something like the GR.7 at 11.7 can get aim 9M’s someday to help keep it competitive.
Also since there moving up air to 12.3, maybe the Su-39 can also move up too 11.7
I am pretty sure that SU39 could go to 11.7 if Gaijin updates the loadout like this photo (Su39 could get 4r73/2R27/R77, at least 4 KH29T)
So far it seems Gaijin will only be implementing 2x R-73s but hopefully this number increases to 4x but we’ll have to wait and see.
So yeah those missles should not get added to the SU 39 and 25T, if they detect afterburner no matter the amount of flares or turning them off saves you, they nearly always hit true
I hope the Su-39 gets a BR increase to reflect this change, otherwise I feel sorry for anyone at 10.3-10.7 .
But as for Gr7, actually no. Its just creates more problems. The A2A and A2G power on the Gr7 is balanced. Needs things like MAWS (was suppose to come this update, but I think is being postponed) but with that and the 9L fixes, things are looking reasonably strong for the Gr7.
But giving it Ms will mean BR increase, and it becomes unbalanced. I’d rather leave the Gr7 alone, and get the Gr9 with 9Ms. It also has the better AGMs and other A2G weapons. It would make a smooth progression from the Gr7 to the Gr9 and reason to upgrade from one to the other and a reason to keep using both.
(By balance in this I mean, internally A2A BR Vs A2G BR and not Gr7 vs another jet)
there is a problem, then we stand there with an possible 11.7 premium, this is wrong on so many levels
Yeah… it is… But they never think these things through and so never learn.
I’m not sure about the Kh-29, as no manual says so. The photo of the airplane on the ground does not say that launching from the 2nd pylon is possible.
Su-39 as before needs thermal imager and p-27 more than anything else for its radar to make any sense against aviation