Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

u are just repeating yourself like we all are since you dont have anything new to the argument only useless opinions

No worse than morons saying that jets like the Tornado Gr1 are vastly superior and therefore the Su-39 needs to go down to a BR where it would be broken as all hell.

Just consider yourself lucky that the Su-39 is at 11.3 not 11.7 like the Gr7 is becasue of its A2G weapons

4 TV bombs are better than 2.

16 laser missiles without a good container is nothing.
Su-39 is good when any other aircraft is good.

If you think that he does not need the R-27, then I am waiting for a thermal imager or a millimeter radar, which are just designed to detect ground targets. logic?

The Harrier has no reason to be an 11.7, a useless aircraft with terrible stats. 500 fights a month are played on it, while on other aircraft it is 2-5 times more.

Only madmen and morons put a subsonic aircraft without A2A on 11.7, and Mirage 2000 on 12.0

It amuses me that people deny the R-27, saying that the Su-39 is an attack aircraft, but they also do not agree to give it a millimeter radar and a thermal imager, as I wrote in the title of this topic.

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You have already said that it should get targeting pod, by the looks of the poll, most want it to have a targeting pod. In all likelyhood, it is getting a targeting pod, just hasnt been added yet, could take another 6 months+ for that to happen.

Bumping this post is going to do nothing to aid that.

Making random comparisons, like trying to say the F-14B is an attack aircraft and therefore the Su-39 needs R-27Rs and targeting pod and god knows what else, to compete, is going to do nothing to aid that.

Having a go at other players and trying to demand the Su-39 goes down to 10.7 because “reasons” is not going to aid that.


Tornado Gr1 came out 7 months ago, still waiting on half its core “features”

Sea Harrier FRS1 came out 7 months ago, still waiting on having its placeholder radar changed (has the F5-Es radar currently)

I could name more, but bumping this post, to try and keep it active isnt going to suddenly make Gaijin add a targeting pod next week. Take all the information you’ve got, submit a bug report about a missing item. and then wait. Go off and fly something else in the meantime if the Su-39 is so truly unplayable.

I keep mentioning it, but I want to fly the SHar FRS1 in SB, but until it gets IFF, its a pain in the arse to fly and there is 0 point to taking it over the Gr7. So I dont. I have barely touched it. is there a post on here that I bump every few days about that? No

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You know, life is pretty short to wait 7 months for a model that takes 10 minutes to make.

In addition, the container is already in the game files and adding it is 10 minutes of work, but no one does it.

As long as there are 0.7 differences in combat rating between aircraft, I will speak.

Let the multi-role aircraft leave at 13.0 in that case. This is an imbalance that the plane is 2 steps higher than the other in all respects many times over.
Or let the f-14 lose its bombs. “Oh, it’s a fighter in the first place and it shouldn’t be able to destroy tanks effectively.”
Or, if it’s “realistic”, then it’s just as realistic that the aircraft that was SPECIALLY built to launch the R-27 should get them.

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To be completely honest, saying that guiding a guided bomb with a 180 degres laser designated pod allowing for SPAA evading and guiding a Vikhrs with the su-25T integrated Shkval system is really not true.

One the first two picture, it is showing an external designated pod, like the DAMOCLES, TIALD, ATLIS II…

The possible angle of the designated laser allow it to still be pointing at a target, even if it is behind the aircraft, or to the side. i showed it vertically, but it also works horizontaly. This allows the tracking plane to manoeuvre and evade SPAA missile heading at the aircraft, while still tracking.

Here, it is the su-25/39. the laser designating angle allow no room for evasive maneouvre. You are forced to fly almost completely straight at the target, and lose track if you slightly move.

I do agree that laser guided bombs still arent fire and forget but saying “You cannot move more than the su 39” is wrong.

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But if you are pulling a turn hard enough to evade a SAM, then you are likely doing more than flying in a straight line, if you are banking hard, then there is a good chance you will loose the target, Ralin was basically saying that something like a Tornado can drop a guided bomb and then take any and all evasive actions whilst staying locked onto target. But reality is, if you need to evade something like a SAM, then you are probably not going to be able to keep on target.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

I am unable to explain these obvious things to those who do not understand it.

The current Su-39 is a glass cannon. He can destroy several tanks, but only if everyone on the map doesn’t care.

ADATS appeared. How will you find it? You don’t have a thermal imager. Or even better - stinger carriers. They don’t even have radar, so you don’t know when they showed up, and while you’re forced to get close to the battlefield because you’re aiming the missile, they’ll quietly launch missiles that you can’t dodge.

Any helicopter with A2A missiles appeared, you will also lose, because he forgot to fire missiles for 6 kilometers, after which he will make a sharp maneuver while you are forced to lead the weakened Vikhrs with your hands. You will not be able to get into a maneuvering helicopter, and you will be destroyed by an oncoming missile, which itself will find you from 6 kilometers away.

Any plane appeared? Well, here I won’t say anything at all, the Su-39 / Su-25T have the worst flight parameters. Absolutely any plane will destroy it if it wants to.

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Firstly, the game has a tornado with 4 TV bombs. You left her and forgot.

Secondly, you already have great opportunities for maneuvering with an aiming container that sees 180 degrees. If you can’t dodge with it, then it’s a skill issue.

I sometimes dodge missiles even with the disgusting angles of the Su-39 container, although this is ten times more difficult.

The PGMs are TV sight, so the same limitations as the Vikhrs, and they cant hit a moving target,

If you cant get a kill in GRB with 16x Vikhrs then its a skill issue

You have IRCM and a huge CM pool, if its IR and coming from behind you dont have to do anything. In something like Tornado Gr1, to evade something like a Pantsir you’ll have to break very hard.

How is this ANY different from literally any other strike aircraft in game?

Torando Gr1 has basically no CMs. It has the same turn radius as the Su-39. and really doesnt have all that great weapons. You are mkaing it out as if you have no CMs, no IRCM, and can only use your guns. Which is all BS

Here is exaclty what im talking about :

From 7.54 until he kills the pantsir. He is using an AS, but it it the same thing for bombs.

That’s a nord, not a guided bomb. Very different. Also that is a Br12 jet for a reason. Ralin is trying to say that the Su-39 isnt as good as a BR12 jet like the Mirage or F-14B and therefore needs to go down to 10.7


Tornado Gr1 is missing Ground mapping radar like the Su-39 has, that would only take 10 minutes to add, let me go make a rant forum page demanding it gets added yesterday


Tornado has twice the rate of climb and much better maneuverability.

They have a thermal imager, which means they can detect an anti-aircraft gun and attack it correctly.

His chamber allows him to fly in a completely different direction, creating a high angular velocity for the anti-aircraft missile, which makes him very protected.

Now missiles at the target, which fly quickly past, anti-aircraft missiles hit very badly.

In the end, aim-9l have a 3 km capture range, not 2, and a much wider launch zone, which makes it possible for tornadoes to shoot down su-39s with impunity.

Torando can compete with some aircraft, the Su-39 cannot do anything

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You can, I don’t mind.

If someone likes to wait for things for years - okay. I don’t think after my $70 purchase I have to wait half a year for a thermal imager that can be done in 5 minutes.

Ah, Now it makes sense, Russian main wants Russia OP and expects P2W shit.

Su-39 has IRCM meaning IR from rear are impossible

large CM count means you can spam CMs without worrying about running out if coming in

Made of stalinium mean you can endure quite a bit of ground fire without worrying (hit an Su-25 with a 120mm canon round and it shrugged it off, so… I doubt AA fire is much of an issue)

Use KH-25ML to snipe a target at 10km. Easy. Fly low and engage isolated targets

R-60Ms have much better IR resistances than 9Ls currently, drop a single flare, 9L is defeated.

I suggest you pay $70 from your salary and try it out. IRMS - a toy that does not work

It literally only works backwards in a very small range. If you played at least a few games on the su-25t, you would understand.

What difference does it make if A2A helicopters and stingers don’t react to them, and the planes just kill you with a cannon, because the Su-39 cannot win in maneuver.

Of course, missiles after half a dozen nerfs are certainly very strong. Especially with a trigger zone the size of the eye of a needle