Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

The Su-39 has radar for guiding the Kh-31, Kh-35 and R-27, R-77 missiles.

This is literally all of its differences from the Su-25T. Now there is an airplane in the game that doesn’t have a single difference from the other, although it’s actually a different machine.
It was given radar and 0 missiles that it aims. Maybe issue someone a targeting container with no bombs?

Back to what you said:
Yes, the Su-39 is more of a strike aircraft (however it was conceived as a wide range mission aircraft. For participation in anti-terrorist operations, etc).
By definition from its technical specification, it should be able to defend itself against enemy aircraft (Su-25 and Su-25t have no such capability). That is the difference. It is a cheap multi-purpose airplane.

Yes, the F-14B is a multi-role airplane, but the Mig-27K is also a multi-role airplane, but it doesn’t have the R-23.
Just because the F-14B is multi-purpose doesn’t justify that it destroys the logic of dividing airplanes into classes. Starting from 11.0-11.3 many airplanes are already multi-purpose, so I see no reason why subsonic airplanes shouldn’t have A2A as long as the F-4E has medium range missiles at 11.0

And the Su-39 is a strike aircraft in the first place, and it can carry the R-27 in the second place.

It will still not be equal to other aircraft in A2A, as it is slow and clumsy. And it can only take 2 R-27 missiles, sacrificing A2G.

At the same time f-14 can take 6 medium range missiles.

the reason is easy you just ingore it all the time, su 39 is a premium, all others you mention are not, giving a premium striker just is not the plan cause of balancing reason, the single fact that it is a premium limits it, the highest allowed premium aviation br currently is 11.3 any further addition of stronger missles like the r 27er you would want would push the br higher to 11.7 at least.

Premiums arent supposed to be p2w versions, thats why it doesnt get upgrades and you cant compare premiums to tech tree vehicles

omg. I never once wrote about the R-27ER, which is WAY stronger than the R-27R. I’m all in favor of balancing.

What the hell does it matter if an airplane is in the tech tree or if it’s premium?

Su-39 should be on 10.7 at the moment, there is nothing to do higher than that.
Obviously, if only Su-39 gets R-27R, then Su-25T will go to 10.7 and Su-39 will stay at 11.3, because it’s logical.
Next, the Su-25TM which is the Su-39 will be introduced into the game, it will be a full copy of it in tech tree.

The p2w is a 2a4 leopard for 60 dollars, which is the best 10.3 tank and available for instant purchase. The Su-39 is not the best airplane in either A2G or A2A.

You have to remember the Su-39 is a 2008 ish jet. Its contempory should be the Ef Typhoon and F-15. Its going to have limitations in game because it quite literally is more modern than most, to give it its true capabilities would make it a very potent aircraft. There is a reason why several jets have had artificial limitations applied to them. Take the Harrier Gr7 and its targetting pod, its a far far earlier generation than we ‘should’ have

Its for guiding these onto the target first

what? 1995

There is no year balance in the game, you are delusional.

If you’re going to argue that way, I’ll remind you that the Su-27 appeared 1981.

Do people even have a brain when they compare subsonic attack aircraft and class 4 aircraft by year not realizing that they have a huge difference in price and purpose.

I’m aware of that. My point is that adding an airplane with radar and no missiles is like adding an aiming container and no bombs

Going by:

“The Russian Air Force has received 8 aircraft as of 2008” - Sukhoi Su-25 - Wikipedia Could be wrong, but never been corrected, not hte most reliable source, but only source i’ve actually found


And the Harrier Gr7 SHOULD have Aim-9M or ASRAAM to full-fill its “mutli-role” capabilities, but its at 11.7 with only 9Ls. But it only has 9Ls because of balance.

Do I understand correctly that the 2006 subsonic A-10C will compete su-30 and su-34 on the same combat rating?

Are you even aware that subsonic aircraft are obviously supposed to be much lower in combat rating than 4++ fighters?

That’s wrong. What is meant is that there were only 8 airplanes as of 2008. But they started making them in 1995.
That’s literally anywhere. The Su-39 made its first flight in 1991. The A-10C came 15 years later.

I don’t know the exact characteristics of these missiles, but if they are similar to those of the 11.7-12.0 aircraft, he can get them.

What kind of balance are we talking about if the Harrier is a crooked bucket that flies badly, and the F-14B stands 0.3 higher with a full set of characteristics to destroy everything on the map.

I want to break my face when people say late subsonic Su-25s should play against F-15s.
Are you idiots? These planes differ in price by dozens of times.
In life, these planes do not fight each other.

A-10 and Su-25 take off when the sky is safe. They can destroy anti-aircraft installations, but not aircraft. The Su-39 was supposed to protect itself, but this does not mean that this is its main purpose.

If you think that the Su-39 should play against the F-14, then the A-10S will play against the Su-34, which will launch a missile from 140 kilometers, because the years of production correspond.


At the end of the day, you cannot expect your premium jet to be god at everything. I know you paid for it, but its going to have limitations applied to it.

I want a Torando Gr1 with ECM and Accurate CMs.

I want a Harrier Gr7 with decent AAMs

I want a Torando F3 with AMRAAM and ASRAAM

But we are going to have to wait a while for any of that.

Su-39 is a powerhouse in GRB, seems to do very well in ASB and just struggles in ARB. More than anything else due to compression, there are many many jets that should never face off against the like of the F-14 but do. But as much as you hate fighting the F-14 in the Su-39, I hate fighting the Su-39 in a harrier or jaguar.

p2w in this matter describes that the premium version is a lot better then the tech tree version, most high tier premiums are just 1:1 like the tech tree one, and you cant lower the br of the SU 39 and T, because in that moment the IRCCM becomes to strong in potential downtiers since no real radar missles exist in those brs, which you would know if you would have thought about actual balancing

God, this is bullshit.

SU-25T is not premium, but it’s the same shit when there is any other aircraft in the sky.

The Su-39 is not a strong A2G because it has the worst aiming container in the game, with which it is forced to aim laser missiles.
He does not have a thermal imager (although there was a prototype in life), he does not have a millimeter radar (although there was a prototype in life).
This aircraft (like the Su-25T) is inferior in every way to the MiG-27K, which has much better flight parameters and an excellent aiming station.

And even better Mirage 2000-5F or F-14.

Premium status has nothing to do with it. In the future, we will see the Su-25TM in tech three. and he will be the same shit.

su-25t should be at 10.7 while su-39 should get thermal imager, radar and R-27 and stay at 11.3

It is not true. IRCCM doesn’t work at all right now. I received Aim-9L dozens of times. after all, it is an all-angle rocket.

And I laugh that you call a plane with two P-60s strong, although everyone has flares to drop them. It is literally powerless, especially given its flight parameters.

I don’t know why you talk so boldly about the balance, having literally 2 planes of this level.

At the same time, the opinions of a dozen YouTubers who have 10-20 thousand games on planes agree that planes are absolutely powerless in A2A and do not stand out in A2G

The MiG-27K isn’t a multirole aircraft, it’s a dedicated ground attack aircraft. Unlike the F-14, the MiG-27 had its entire radar removed (eliminating R-23 capabilities) in order to make space for a nose suited for the ground attack role with ground attack equipment installed. Additionally, several parts of the aircraft such the intake ramps and engine nozzle were revised specifically because it was mainly designed to operate at low levels as a ground attack aircraft.

shows how much you know, not all specialy if you go towards 9,7 in a downtier dont have aim 9l, plenty of aircraft only have access to rear aspect missles in that case the IRCCM is to strong, of course all aspect missles will hit you from the front , it only protects the backside but in down tiers this is a mayor issue

And? i am smart enough to see the balancing, yes they say that the SU 39 is garbage in A2A and i agree with this never said it is good, but it is balanced for ground where it does a good job. Most Tubers only talk about the Garbage air performance, but show me some where they say it is bad in A2G where it belongs. As it stands you are only salty you bought a useless plane for Air, if you use it where you should you would have no problem. You are trying to force sth that has no place in the current game, look at downtiers and all of the aircraft that only have rear aspect missles and you will see the problem

You are right, for some reason I did not think about the radar.

In the game, however, he is called the Jet Fighter.

At the same time, its rating is only 2 steps lower than the almighty F-14B and Mirage 2000-5f.