Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

Other thing worth of mention is that if those get added the way Ralin mentioned, you would have to chose: or have a strong air power with the R-27ER1 and the R-77, because they use kopyo-25 radar pod, or have good ground targeting with the Khod/Kinzhal pod, because the Kinzhal can’t track air targets.

I don’t think Khod and Kinzhal were in the same container.

From a logical standpoint, it seems impossible to place both systems inside the container enclosure at once, as they require specific layout and enclosure materials.

I’m leaning towards the idea that Khod should be added until there is solid evidence as to how the two systems were in the same container.

I added the official OKB Sukhoui book to my report, which shows the existence of the prototype thermal imager and its tests


Now T-80U-E1 has 11.7 TRB, and su-39 can reach it without problem.

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I was wandering about this. Gajin could add both Kinzhal and Khod as separate containers, because there was tests with both systems, right? I find very fascinating the possibility to use a milimeter-wave radar to ground strikes, considering the test drive i did with the already in game kopyo-25 guiding the vikhrs, and my experience with the Khrizantema-S

But you did say you haven’t found the sweeping angles of the Kinzhal, maybe Gaijin only adds the Khod until there is more information about it

And another thing about the possibility of the SU-39 outclassing every strike aircraft at it BR is: unlike the harrier and other planes that have those thermal pods, the SU-39 can’t maneuver well to dodge missiles, not only because it is a fat flying whale but because the angles of the targeting pod severly limit the area it can track.

To be able to fire any of them powerful weapons, the minimum range to be able to lock any of it’s TV guided weapons or laser guided missiles like the KH-25ML or the Vikhr is 10 kilometers. the TV guided missiles would need to be even closer, depending on the weather conditions. By definition you still will need to expose yourself to the enemy because of the range cap on it’s weapons.

The SU-25SM3 has the KH-38MT and the KH-38ML, both of them have a range of 40 kilometers, bigger than the range of any spaa in the game, and is the only soviet aircraft that has a thermal imager, so it can find targets from under the artificial range limit(20 kilometers) no matter the weather. Hardly I think the SU-39 would be able to mimic such power, considering the De Facto range limit for any engagements it’s weaponry imposes to itself.

Only considering this, it’s BR being raised to 11.7 or to 12.0 would be sufficient rebalancing, because being there is the certainty that you will encouter SPAAs that can engage you on the range you can fire.

I don’t think that’s possible.

We don’t know what container Kinzhal was in. I don’t think it could have been the same container as the thermal imager. If only because a radar requires a round radio transparent cover, and an optical system like khod is rather flat and transparent in the optical and IR spectrum.

So I guess Kinzhal won’t see the light of day until there are photos of the airplane in testing or photos of the container where it was housed.

Well some of the radar characteristics are unknown. Scan times, angles, etc.

We only know the detection distance.

The information about the kopyo-25 is easily accesible as the Kinzhal? Maybe, if Gaijin found by themselves the info about the radar that already is in game, they could, to add the new radar, use their own resources to try to find these informations.

But that would demand they be interested, which is…

Kopio-25 is widely known and has many sources. Plus there is information on the progenitor radars.

Kinzhal, on the other hand, is completely unknown. It’s not even clear what the container looked like.

I unequivocally say that kinzhal has minimal chances to appear in the game, because there is too little information and in general it is not needed, because there is kopio.

Very unfortunate. The ideia of a ground radar always fascinated me about the Su-39. The kopyo-25 is barely usable as a ground radar, and as you said there is little information on the Kinzhal, so probably only the Khod could be added.

Ралин, ты серьезно готов теплак первого поколения обменять на возможность кидать р73, когда спинишь истребители, через “look-up” бвб?)

Kopyo is 3 times better then gen-1 thermals because its allows you to attack enemy fighters at off boresight angles with your trust vectoring r73s, and also rises your situational awareness in case of air threats.

It is also possible that su39 will recieve a higher br after this addition which is bad overall.

A bug report about missing R-77 and R-27ER was already accepted 14 days ago. Su-39 will have it’s BR raised when it receive them, so the thermal pod is needed.

Cmon, its going to get 12.0 BR, you guys srs?( I dont want to play against 12.7 jets every game… And he probably wont recieve thermals anyway because there was none of them actually made for su39.

Bruh. You read the caput of this thread?

This is a huge mistake to give radar missiles to this jet. Youll see once its going to be implemented…

The same was said for the AV-8B+, it’s going to be perfectly fine if it gets placed at a reasonable BR.

The SU-39 would be sitting at 12.0 with R-27R1/T1s and 12.3 with RVV-AEs.

And no, it wouldn’t and shouldn’t sit at 12.7 with the RVV-AEs, it wouldn’t as potent as the IRIAF F-14A.

Most sources I’ve found don’t mention the R-27ER1/ET1s anywhere so I’d be willing to make the assumption it never had them.

The bug report mentioned specifically the R-77 and the R-27ER1. Gaijin maybe just adds the R-27R1, to avoid making a balancing hell, but it can’t be said for sure.

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12.0 - AV-8B with 4 AIM-120 + 2 AIM-9M, and F-18 radar.

Su-39 not a same level. 11.7 right now with r-77


Depends on the situation. Potentially choosing between more options in A2G and A2A would be an extremely interesting decision before flying out in every battle

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