Su-34 and its "balance"

This diagram is outdated.
FlakRakRad radar has 20km range


Su-34 only has KHs going for it and it’s inferior to other top tier aircraft, so by removing them or adding direct counterparts you’re literally trying to remove any balance it has.
If they can spawn Su-34, I bet you can spawn your F-15.

All AAs are ineffective, so one being less ineffective doesn’t make it good by any means.

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USA has been doing this to Soviets and all other 8 tech trees for 2 years.

Welcome to why CAS is OP and why USA, along with all 9 other tech trees need new SPAA.

And of course @ileaveuptiers is chiming in to say USA is fine and claiming all SPAA is OP.

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What if i dont have any planes? And my teammates doesnt 85% of the time, what you want me to do, the only thing i can do in that situation is suffer.

What if the enemies don’t have any Su-34s ?

only game mode/br it suffers in is air RB/SB 13.7+ They literally have the best if not competitive vehicles at every BR in game.

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No way The R27ER’s ate F-14’s for breakfast before the multipath nerf. I’ve died to Russian aircraft and tanks significantly more than US for years. When I see US tanks or aircraft I think free kills because of how shit they perform in game.

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You got a source on that too heavy because gaijin has said that about the Abrams but it still gained 20 tones of weight.

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