That is half the game modes (ignoring arcade/navl).
Theres actually a LOT of thing that are close to that:
Better SPAA at top-tier
Better CAS at top-tier
The infinite premium spam and heli that can live throught everything (KA-50)
(my own opinion)
Edit: there are more things but its 6:43 in my country so ill better go to sleep than just argue on the internet, peace.
SPAA is just how things are, it would be Anti-Russian bias to artificially nerf something to be in line with others.
Best CAS is subjective based on what you value. So again not Russian bias.
So explain to everyone how
Pantsirs covering CAS while they bomb with their Mach 2.2 fire and forget missiles is balanced with…
Every other nation in the game?
I get that gaijin had a good SPAA option for Russia and it definitely is effective.
I don’t get why Gaijin would add overpowered KH38 fnf missiles and not add a fnf version of the brimstone, and other nato counterparts.
Better,not best, but still cant even counter it if u doesnt have AIM-120s or the pilot of the SU-34 isnt dumb enought
KH-38s are accurate to life so not bias
SPAA is accurate to life so not bias
Good combo, maybe time to bring all nations more capable SPAA seeing as even the Pantsir can be outranged by CAS. Which is what they’re doing, so again not bias.
You cannot counter any CAS unless you have advanced CAP or the pilot is dumb.
Again going back to the AASMs they can also be launched from 20km, which outranges all SPAA. The French have 2 AASM slingers as well.
Did you look at the speed of those AASMs in your screenshot? .9m at decent. Still, easy to intercept with a Pantsir.
Brimstones are not since they could be fnf.
The fact that US doesn’t get newer AGM-65s and you can only load 1x AGM-65g on only 2 pylons isn’t.
I won’t get into air to air missiles.
The pantsir does not have the elevation to intercept a target at 90°
Fnf brimstones are a developers choice based on what they believe provides the most balanced gameplay. Like it or not that’s what they chose.
AGM-65J/Ks wouldn’t provide much of a capability increase but if you want them ask for them. I would have no issue with their introduction.
If you have evidence showing you can carry more AGM-65Gs than go to the bug reporting site.
Pantsirs can fire on fighters spawning in. If they can get any missiles off, it’s “skill issue”. 95% of pantsirs sit at their spawns waiting for planes to spawn in. Also that logic is flawed since there is level flight for those missiles before they descend. Pantsirs can easily intercept them before they get out of their elevation.
On the otherhand, compare that to almost every other SPAA, they can’t even track missiles.
They’re literally all the same missiles, just different penetration and optics
If they believe the current top tier statu quo is balanced on either CAS, SPAA and MBTs situations, they simply haven’t played their own game.
The Pantsir portion is pointless hypotheticals so I will not get into that.
As for the AGM-65G it is 86kg heavier than the AGM-65D, which means it is too heavy for the triple rack if that is what you are getting at.
Pointless? Missile has to literally be 2km away and over 8000 meters in order to be out of the Pantsir’s elevation. If you ever let a plane closer than 2km, it’s your fault 100%.
Why is top tier the only place ever looked at? I feel like cas at other brs should be looked it too. Kind of odd just to point to a very recent addition at top tier.
After the agm65d buff, i just carry 6 of those.
The recent increase to the air map size should help with dealing with the pantsir. And the new top tier spaa coming next year will help deal with cas.
Again, hypotheticals not representative of actual in game scenarios. Thus pointless and something I do not wish to engage in.
You don’t want to engage with that because it makes no sense. You’re complaining about the best SPAA in the game. You don’t get to complain about it when you look at everything else on that chart.
I’m not complaining about anything, just telling you there are an infinite number of possible things that could occur and I do not want to go in circles with you. Ever thought about the possibility that there may be another teammate up? Or drones? Or he may be engaging someone on the ground? Or looking in another direction? There is no 1v1 defined scenario.
I’ve said everything I came here to say, have a good one.
Yes, all spaa deal with the same things.
All good, you too sir
so Flarakrad have most weak radar in toptier and need to load missile for this lose lock… but only 0.3 br diference is so cool…
This diagram is outdated.
FlakRakRad radar has 20km range