Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

Sim needs a lot of love tbh. If i wanted to play a fun plan at a br that not everyone is playing, im not playing sim because no one is going to join the room. Then when an air event come on, there is no waiting for a top tier room because everyone is bombing bases and airfields and getting killed. as quickly as they can. once the event is over its a desert. The only other game mode worse than sim is navel.

bro is out here spreading missinformation

there is

unfortunately yes(

Опа драсте

so why did russia have it in service sooner smh


and what is the balance?

I found something on the internet that was it, that’s all


Your post’s were removed due to inappropriate parts, being slightly political for some. The ones that were hidden were given more so as a chance for you to edit those parts out so it can actually be up, but you just said X person reported your post, when it reality it was Y person.

If it weren’t for those parts, they would be fine, unless I am missing something of course


yeah and only though well agree in tank battles we still can’t kill the same leaky leo 2a6

What was political???

On a Russian forum they would answer like that right away

everything is muhahahaphphphph

Well if the NATO side wasn’t so stacked, maybe people would play redfor so you can find a match

Well, NATO doesn’t have one (except Sweden)

Lmao because I got mass reported, as per usual (due to facts)

“If anything, nerf CAS entirely. Cough cough your Russiaphobia is showing again

Once again, slightly political, depending on views of course, but I’d say it’s best to avoid such words, whether that be a western or eastern country.


Eeeeeh not really

The Su-30SM derives from the Russian-Indian Joint Su-30MKI,which is an improved version of the Su-30 which in turns is the Su-27PU (basically a A2A only Su-27 with the dual cockpit of the Su-27UB)

The Su-27SM is the mid-life upgrade of base Su-27s and the improved Su-27S variant.

Different airframes, slightly different engines, slightly different avionics and slightly different stats.

You need to understand that the Su-33,Su-34,Su-30,Su-27SM and the Su-35 are all slightly different projects that may have something in common, excluding the fact that they all come from the base Su-27

The Su-33 is derived from the Su-27K,the Su-34 from both the Su-33 and the Su-27KUB,the Su-30 as i said from the Su-27PU,the Su-35 from the Su-27M and finally the Su-27SM from the Su-27S

Same thing with the upcoming J-11B: tracing its origins is a mess

so you it is ok if you only find pictures on THE INTERNET where it carries 6 r-77 but when iam it isnt great…

I love double standarts

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I love how nothing about the flight performance in the dev blog is true.

Its fat, underpowered, has the worst flight performance among all Flankers in the game, and the thrust vectoring is not even modelled correctly.

I have seen higher quality in kids drawings than i have seen in this plane. What is Gaijin smoking?