Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

i dont think any competent pilot believes that they will end up in a dogfight in bvr combat and need 4 r73 instead of 2 of them. if someone merges with you at altitude then you have a severe skill issue

Like I said, if they can hold Lock similarly to the Amrramm maybe they’re going to be comparable finally.

Range was never the issue, but planes whom turned at once could evade the R-77, or simply out run it. In my F-15E experience, I brought more flares than chaff as the Rafael and the other thing came out.

That’s when I was spading my F-15E, and not only did I find the Aim-9ms extremely powerful, but so were the Aim-120Bs.
The thing it lacked was turn capability, but I could out run literally everyone.
R-77s I literally just ran away from, instead of chaffing them. Then I reset the fight and and either fired an aim-120b which works decently at low Alts, or I’d sneak up to send an Aim-9m.

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What vehicle have you been flying?

I suppose I’m asking because…you seem to have just GE’d your F15E completely. Likely, you have done the same with your Su-27sm. You don’t have enough kills in any mode to have any sort of opinion on how these missiles work. It’s honestly quite frusturating to see. You seem good at using SAHR, though. Are you perhaps repeating things that you heard other people say? Or?

Can I chime in? R-77s are bad at BVR, and coupled with the horrible N001, it’s just bad. That’s why I use it in BVR WVR and even shooting at 15km is a gamble


Yeah I haven’t disagreed there. I’ve been restricting mysdelf to using them within around 15ish km, because outside of that it’s a agame of roulette to see if they actually hit. Too much energy loss for 20km shots. They pull fine but it’s just not good enough for me. Usually, thogh, 2 launches is enough to kill someone; so the su20SM would be fun for that, or if it got slots where it could put r27et (I don’t think it does).

As for the radar:
LMFAO yeah. N001 sucks. I assume N001VEP isn’t much better. The lack of DL targets really, really holds them back. I haven’t bothered grinding russian planes because the chinese ones will eventually just overtake them completely; how is the N010 on the 29SMT? Is it any better at all?

I haven’t bothered with the 29 line yet (I have it researched up until SMT, but I’m waiting for discounts to buy it), so I can’t really say. Allegedly it’s better than the N001, but tbf anything is better than an N001

No it’s from Experience… also, why on earth would I waste GE on modifications? I have premium.


Well, they have yet to totally fix the radar on the SMT, since it’s launch it consistently drops lock for absolutely 0 reason. It can be a perfect target or the worst target, it will still randomly drop lock as if it’s being jammed or something strange.

It’s FM is also worse than it’s predecessor… although it gets more fuel.

You know anyone can see absolutely every drop of RP you’ve ever made from a plane, right? in every mode?

Maybe it’s only the SMT you have used with r77.

N010 is much better than N001 but the 29 SMT is horrific compared to the Su27SM

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Would you care to see my spaded Su-34, and Su-27?

The SMT’s radar is still one of the best in game and it is tied with the yak-141 in the RU tree right after the su-34. In my opinion I’d still take the 29SMT over the 34 just because the radar has the ability to hold lock up to 85 degrees off bore but the su-34 has a much better scan rate and range. Tbf the range doesn’t matter much untill the 77-1 seeing as the 77’s we have aren’t good beyond 20-25 km

They aren’t good beyond 15km lol.


hell they cant even reach 15km

I stopped launching them over 10km away as it’s mostly pointless.

Ehh I get lucky against those typical straight line f-15’s especially in sim but yea they are a bit lacking beyond 15km

They are decent against afk people that will fly straight into it but for anything else they’re dogshit.

Seen them getting notched from a perfect head-on at well under 10km.


I don’t have much of an issue within 15km unless the guy I’m shooting at is headon charging in the multipath, which at this point should be removed as it’s pretty easy to notch but since people are able to buy basically up to top tier they have to give em a handhold. I find if you hold a hard lock, and seeing that I use the SM mostly and it’s TWS is pretty lackluster, if they don’t get the chance to shoot back and proceed to try to notch, holding the lock negates that unless they go cold in which you’re able to push closer. I do agree though the r-77 is only really good in close range scenarios and only really beaten by the mica

Uhm what? Best in the game??? That this is still a massively bugged mess. I’d take the Su-27 Amy day of the week over the 29SMT

I’d say even less. 12KM