Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

I’ve had instances, of firing first, then 15 secs later the enemy jet fires at me, I evade, they fly straight. Aim-120 somehow hits me first… and the R-77 misses at about 8-10 km range.

Hell the R-27s have been garbage too since the R-77s came out. They’re more reliable sure but not once what they were, even with constant lock.

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I don’t know what bugs you are talking about, if you clip it and send it to me maybe i could understand because from my experience the SMT’s radar is cracked just lacking a good FM. And compared to the 27’s it is a huge upgrade as it’s tws has a faster and more consistent scan rate plus 85 degrees of gimble which allows you to guide missiles in almost in the notch.

Oh how unaware you are… let me alleviate that.
The RP on the statcard is base RP, before victory/loss multipliers, and before vehicle multipliers.

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