Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

Well no matter what happens I’m sure BadKarma will make us all feel like we suck when he starts posting SU30sm videos 😵‍💫

Sure let’s add the F-22, but nerf it into oblivion just before its release, as is the case with the Su-30sm, the plane that should’ve brought Russia up to par, but so many people loath RU that they get things nerfed so easily.

But hey it’s Okay, the US is getting 3 F-18s, and one is a top tier premium…


bro ur getting 14 missiles what more do you want (I like j11a)

An accurate flight model you can take the T220 kh-38s and the double rack for the R77s

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give a valid source that proves that su30sm flight model is not accurate

Give us a valid source that proves that su30sm flight model is accurate :D


They can’t even get the visual model right the weapon loadouts right what makes you think they got it right when they still have flight model problems with the 29s

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“But the russian bias tho 🤓☝️“


What does 14 misses do?

im not the one making the claim “su30sm flight model is innaccurate”
if you make a claim, then provide proof for it
infact i never said anything whether it is accurate or not, however you did. now considering your reply you’re claiming that it is inaccurate but you can’t provide any evidence
therefore i dismiss your opinion

flight model problems existing with other aircraft does not mean they exist on su30sm. if you dont know how the flight model is like and what should be expected of it, you dont get to say that its inaccurate - thats literally nothing but a random person with no evidence making random claims
also, visual models are made by completely different people than flight models

Well logically speaking, the Su-30SM shouldn’t fly worse than a Su-34…

The MiG-29smt radar is still busted to this day and it’s years old

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i didnt make any claim.

Your answer implies that the FM is accurate, otherwise why would you say “prove it is inaccurate”? just to be argumentative? why would he need to prove it to you? do you really think that the su30sm should perform similar to the su33? su33 is the worst flanker ( im not going to include the su34 since that thing is made for ground attack)


Also the Su-34 is a Fullback, not a Flanker 🤓☝️


Still a part of the flanker family

Did the “🤓☝️” go right over your head?

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Yes it’s 11:00pm and I can’t sleep lol

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Kills shit

Grid fins not modelled right tho

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Have you ever flown an R-77 equipped aircraft?