Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

If you think you’re right, then I have a bridge to sell you

You flagged my post lol, enough said.

(Lmaoooo stop proving me correct please.)

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hilarious because I haven’t flagged anyone.

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The problem is not the engines, but the crooked hands of the developer.

You guys should’ve just add it’s Sm2 engines this normal Sm engines are very bad


Nah it needs another round of nerfs before release /s

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No, it would come at the same time as the F22 I would assume

i hope we ll see very soon in release game, im waiting for so much

Early F-22 may come earlier.

You’re barely going above 1kd in them

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i dont think so

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You may. But it isnt really far away from current toptiers for example, in case of radar - it wouldnt be any different from current radars, such as Rafale’s AESA or Su-30SM’s PESA. At least with current implementation.
In case of maneuvrability it would be pretty much on level, maybe a bit better than Typhoon and Rafale(IRL lost for Rafale, but thats probably depends on pilot).
Weapon - 2xAIM-9M and 6xAIM-120C(can give C-3 or C-4 which would be just like AIM-120A/B, but with smaller fins)
Only somewhat huge advantage - stealth(would depends on gaijin values btw)

Look at the F-117, it’s stealth and every radar can track it without having it’s bomb bay open.

All depends on range.

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I mean don’t get me wrong F22 would be cool, but i dont think the game is ready for it, even early version is a stretch, and if America were to get one other nations need equivalents.

Coming from someone that’s played exactly 3 games in the Su-27 and only managed 2 kills is hilarious 🤣
