It’s visual model is terrible tho
looks nice imo…
It’s looks like a kitbash of the Su-27SM and the Su-33
And another performance change to the SU30sm today. Oh well 🤣
I mean the Su30 is literally based on the Su27 and it has a lot in common with it
It’s a new airframe but should look better they accepted the report
what visual differences are there between the two?
More clean and sleek looking
alr then I agree it should be changed
No, R-77M, R-37M, RVV-PD is all better than R-77-1
what dc server is that?
is there a link, can´t find it online?
New su30sm flight model is disgusting and pathetic
thx, and i totally agree its thrust vectoring now becomes a downside, bcs it just manouvers like a brick
Goodness, I guess waiting for the Su-30SM2 is the way to go then because of the AL-41 unless they give this one the upgraded engines, my guess is that won’t happen because it isn’t a U.S. aircraft.
Never happening
Sure, we can get a modern F15E variant with upgraded engines which dominated so much that the BR cap had to be raised, but Snail forbid that we get a Flanker with a competitive kit, performance, and FM…
27SM3, 30SM2, 27M… so many options, and yet we’re stuck with a 30SM with so many inaccuracies that it looks like it was mish-mashed from different existing models.
Doesn’t help we can’t have a voice either because we get constantly flagged, or Russia gets nerfed pre-release of anything.
Ah yes the “oh no, the RU player is right, better flag him!!”
(Lmao point proven, got flagged again)