Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

If they press the flare button a few times before and as you fire it the R-73 goes to Narnia. After that you’re in a falling boat and dead.

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okay but he doesn’t know that

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Until you come across someone like myself that can line up warmup time with the flaring.
Even IF they succeed in using over 30 flares to prevent my first missile launch, I have a 2nd IR missile, sometimes even 3 more, and they don’t have the flares at that level of panic to get through all of them.

An incredibly specific scenario that happens 1/25 times at best

You mean like how someone pre-flaring correctly happens about as often… proving @Chubbmaster 's point which I agree with.

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anyone with 3 braincells at maybe around 4km to 3km, but anything closer than that and its quite hard to flare, unless you play it absolutely perfectly. You can easily multipath, yes, but having a bigger store of missiles is a big advantage as you can imagine

@SidewaysCube946 Preflaring is extremely finnicky at times, especially with something with BOL which goes everywhere, and even if you don’t have BOL its not like you have a huge number of flares to waste

It’s scary how many incompetent people there are here.

What’s scary is how dense you seem to be.
r73 is very, very hard to flare at under 2km because of the FOV gating, with something like the eurofighter or gripen(?) where the flares pop off in random directions or to the side its quite hard to get flares into the seeker.
And its quite obvious why having more missles, especially in the lategame is important, so i assume i don’t have to explain that as well

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it may be difficult for you.

just pilot snipe any enemies at merge, your gun allows you to do that. it is difficult for some. it may be difficult for you. whose skill issue is that though?

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Having played with the r73 quite a bit in the mig29G, i can somewhat understand why you think r73 is easily flareable. the missle is somewhat easy to flare in front aspect at 2km and above, but i assure you, in side and back aspect it is VERY difficult to flare at 3km and below.
If you’re having trouble with that, well, its just your skill issue

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side aspect was also affirmed by defyn in the 6.0 guide. considering that most enemies will die, not sure how that is a “weak” missile.

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Preflaring is not particularly difficult in my experience, simply just waiting until you see them begin to angle to fire and keeping a consistent amount is typically enough.

The Su-30SM’s TVC is frankly just a gimmick that leaves you very open to 3rd party, even if you can secure the kill.

Looking down on the skilled isn’t a good look.
“But what if they pre-flare.”
“But what if they launch between flare launches.”
“What if they run out of flares.”
Yadda yadda yadda.

IR missiles are still used to this day because they don’t suffer the flaws of radar missiles.

Oh look, it still retains its low altitude top speed despite the original thrust.

And Su-30SM accelerates faster than Mirage 2000.

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same with a long time ratefight

Good thing the Su-30SM is below average in that category too

Cope is real

ofcourse it is. do you want it to be best in every category so you can kill all of your opponents effortlessly?
regardless the pointless complaining has already been proven wrong, i will now continue war thunder and if you want to flood the su30sm thread with the “THIS PLANE BAD” stuff then go ahead

Alvis, I just really need understanding here. Why are you constantly comparing Su-30SM to non 14.0 Jets?

This is your best stat

This is is mine

so I would think about it what i say