it isn’t limited to pure delta wings. twr isn’t everything.
Nope, it’s superior to the Su-34.
Just don’t bring 14 missiles.
It also sustains 0.5 degrees less per second than F-14B when both are at equal afterburning fuel time.
the fm is nerfed to joke level so not
Then according to your posts F-14B is trash…
Just cause the F-14B and Su-30SM don’t have meta flight models doesn’t mean they’re bad.
Event vehicle?
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no indication from snailmine however i hope that it will be a premium to be a counterpart to the AV8 night attack in the USA tree
Sure, but if time to speed sim in statshark is worth anything. The heavier airframe makes it struggle to get to speed. That would translate to poorer climb as well no?
good thing your missiles supersede being marginally poorer at climb
god damn we’re gonna have this argment again aren’t we? How does it translate well when F-15E and EFT is better at reaching optimal missile firing solutions faster with a comparable to better missile?
i already gave a good explaination, so good that the person who made the thread asked it to be closed because he lost and couldn’t reply anymore.
you have enough missiles to fire at kmax and force the hostile defensive from the get go.
lol Absolute glazing of Russian aircraft.
Soviet aircraft are currently not nerfed.
Su-27SM performs as well as F-16C in-game right now in the general flight performance.
The fact your post praises Su-27SM being a UFO while claiming it’s nerfed is hilarious.
It’s obvious your posts portray you thinking Su-27SM is superior to Typhoon in airframe performance just because it performs as well as an F-16C.
Zero NATO aircraft are “over-buffed” in War Thunder.
F-15E has a worse airframe than J-11B and Su-27SM, F-15E is just slightly faster.
But yeah, keep complaining about the Su-30 and F-14B being non-meta compared to Typhoon, Rafale, and F-18.
these people earlier claimed that the su30sm would lose to a phantom until someone sent them a video of trashing a j10 in the sm
Yeah, but the concept of radar doesn’t exist on the su27sm and no one was talking about the f16c… I don’t need your scientific proofs, Alvis. I know who you are. No matter what you say, this nerf is ridiculous.
Magik and I did Phantom v Su-30SM as well.
People forget that the Phantom rates over 3 degrees per second worse than F-14B and Su-30SM, and can’t pull as well in AOA. In-fact the only Phantom that came close was F-4FGR2, and that requires 30SM pilot to make major mistakes.
Glad you know I’m a bug reporter, information gatherer, and sincere individual.
And it’s not a nerf to sustained turn rate, cause I literally tested STR AKA energy retention on patch one and again for the results I gave you just now and they’re identical.
Alvis, the plane has literally become a piece of shit after this nerf. And not because of the extra weight.
Correct me if i’m wrong here but r73’s plus instantly being able to turn around would make it VERY good at 1v1 close range encounters, even though you bleed all your speed. And for ARB you can use 12 of the r77-1 with a good radar, so why are people still complaining about it?
any player who have 3 braincell can dodge the r73 bro and easili multipath any fox3
8 R-77s + 2 R-73s looks like the ideal loadout.
Though you can go anywhere from 6-4, 7-3, or 8-2 and get rather good results.
Su-30SM is a strong platform despite being the worst airframe.
It’s as if you made F-14B 14.0 with up to 14 missiles, including 8 - 12 AIM-120C5s.
Not ideal, but more than usable.