Yeah and the SM2 will suck just as much as this one, with all the same problems, except slightly stronger engines.
Nope? I understand it would never outrate an EFT or Rafale
Okay? At least it would have engines powerful enough to be on par with EFT with climbing
we didnt get the sm2 tho
we got the normal Su-30sm
We also didn’t get the Su-27SM3, yet the current one is a mishmash of different versions of the Su-27SMx
ok, what parts of the sm2 are on the one in game?
because the one in game has the bars not the irbis and also the Al-31 and not the Al-41
That’s why I want the SM2, because the current SM is just not it. or they could mishmash it
The current SM is not it because it is severely underperforming. And its severely underperforming because it is not modelled correctly. Pretty much EVERYTHING that could be modelled wrong WAS modelled wrong.
That not fixing the issue tho
What will? I have accepted the fact that it will always be inferior in a dog fight even with TVC, but that’s fine. The stronger engines just means a climb on par with the EFT and F-15E for ideal BVR ranges and altitudes
Aim-7s are still very usable and viable aams I like how you dismiss them as a whole.
Pythons are pretty good too let’s not forget those.
Although the Mig-29 may have a higher top speed, I much prefer my mirage, better aams, better radar, etc.
But please, show me your “vast superiority” with the MiG. I’d love to see it.
Incorrect. There are plenty of premiums about for both sides, generally most people gravitate towards what is the meta vehicle. Why do you think so many F-15Es sprung up? Because they were next to impossible to counter.
Even at 11.3/11.7 your still out numbered, it doesn’t matter the br.
”Skill issue” and yup, you’ve lost the argument now.
Smokeless aams are next to impossible to detect if they’re inbound, so you have to mass dump flares and evade if your sixth sense even has an idea it’s coming.
What was this reported for?
the su30 ingame isnt bad because of its engine its bad because gaijin artifically nerfed it…
it has worse oswald efficency than the su34
Fixing the energy retention and the unrealistic Oswald coefficient but understandable for you to give up on trying to fix it
Yeah I doubt that’s ever gonna happen tbh.
It accelerates as fast as an F-14B while the Su-30SM has more fuel.
The radar makes up for it.
Aim-7s are still very usable and viable aams I like how you dismiss them as a whole.
the reason aim-7’s get dismissed is because any maneuverable fighter can dodge them easily at low level
Are you really comparing it to an F-14B when it should be comparable to an EFT or F-15E?
Tell the to the Su-39s I smite with it
I’m giving you a reference of what it’s closest to.
TWR isn’t everything, as Mirage 2000 shows at 13.7.
Ain’t that because Delta wings are just good in turns in general?