Su-30SM: In Thrust We Trust

Prove it then and find some primary sources and submit a bug report

Leopard 2 with the same exact manual over-rides for the blast door, as well as same position for ammo storage.

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You can’t answer a question with a redirect, nice try though.

Considering you’ve only flown the Uk, I don’t see why I’m even listening to you lol

In an ideal situation a 5.5 is achievable but in WT it’s a combat situation. So it should be more like 5.75 or higher

Edit: I actually watched the video, that is super unrealistic 😂 door open the whole time, not in combat gear, he knows it’s going to eject the shell etc etc

States R-77 is equal to Aim-120A and R-77-1 is better than Aim-120A

Source: Trust me bro.

When actual proof is asked for, turns to abuse. Lol

Equal to the Aim-120a the r-77, the r-77-1 should be slightly better than the amraam in total.

Irony. It’s abuse when you lose an argument. Nor do you post any sources. Don’t spill your tea now. But according to you… that’s abuse.

No idea where that (what looks to be a page from a book) is from, so that would heavily dictate its validity. but im all for Aim-120C5s being added as an equal to the R-77-1 and Aim-120A/Bs being buffed up to IRL performance. Multiple outstanding bug reports for them

But submit a bug report for R-77s then if that is a valid primary source.

Same reason why R-darter worse than R-77 and MICA are nothing but similar missile

Come on it should be obvious
it the missile exist before i even born (even up to C-5) vs missile that i’m already in upper class for a year after high school

Can’t wait to see massive crashes because of people using thrust vectoring in the Su-30, F/A-18 and the other planes that get this feature like the Su-33. Thats gonna be funny.

And of course half of them will be F/A -18C premiums.

“There is a battery of tests that you have to go through Semi-Annually in order to be allowed on tanks. One of the skills is loading the main gun. The MAXIMUM loading standard to be allowed on the M1A1 is 7 seconds. Currently you allow 7.8 seconds for a novice crew. (It’s 5 seconds for the 105mm M1 and M1IP BTW). Practically, a good loader aims for a 4 second reload. And truly exceptional loaders can do it in as low as 3 seconds. Personally, my loaders could all beat 5 seconds even under the most arduous conditions. Well one didn’t, but my Tank Leader (a Master Sergeant) fired him after he routinely loaded in about 6.5 seconds.” So yeah it’s been proven to be accurate or even still too slow.

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ah yes the Ru mains argument of “Nato players lie, even though a tanker in REAL LIFE said it, it must be for his agenda in this game!!” You’re embarrassing

I think Russian bias are just asking to fight the F-22A, But I love your hard work Thunder Crew! Keep it up!

ngl looking lovely is all I care about in warthunder, it could be complete garbage and I’d still want it
I still hope it’ll be good though

It’s visual model is terrible tho

looks nice imo…

It’s looks like a kitbash of the Su-27SM and the Su-33

And another performance change to the SU30sm today. Oh well 🤣