Su-27SM: Ferocious Flanker!

Still grinding SL for my Su-27 lol


You know I have nothing against it, it’s just where are the fun NATO aircraft, like the successor to the f111

Extremely disappointing to see it’s not the SM3 with the stronger engines, that’s the thing I was looking forward to the most. The fact that it gets the upgraded RWR also means it won’t be easy to convince Gaijin to change it into the SM3 like they converted the 9-17 into the 9-19.


as if the f16c doesnt exist, wow you us mains really have the memory of a goldfish


BTW soviet getting really good CAS options means japan can finally get good CAS like GCS-1 too right?


yayyyy making russias dominate strike aircraft even stronger in ground RB with no SPAA to counter


Do you realize that f15a in the game has guide bombs too right? You can imagine that F15C can carry those too

They can’t just keep advancing two nations and leave out the rest for two years

ARB has been like that for a while, mostly USA and USSR dominating leaving the other nations to cope untill the next major update.

Now most nations actually have something usable to counter ussr and usa (the planes themselves not it’s standoff weapons).
So a lil imbalance is needed to spice up the game so it’s not the usual “turn left and furball” that ARB usually is.

Oh you meant for GRB, I don’t play that. Anyway I don’t think that’s too big of an issue, CAS is already stronger than SPAA, you won’t have much problem ruining tanker’s matches.

However, Russia has at least four aircraft with 12 KH29s and KH38s
But the f16c?
2 agm65g or 6agm65d? and two bombs?
Stupid Russian goldfish don’t even know how many air-to-ground missiles they have, one of the most powerful in the game

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On one hand, excited to have a modernized Su-27 to use in sim, on the other, this is pretty clearly lining up to be a massively imbalanced update in favor of Russia… once again…

Yes, the f15a does have it, but is it better than the kh29? Or more?

Bruh the SM is quite the equivalent to the f15C i don’t know why are you complaining. R-77 and aim120 will be almost the same, r73 and aim9m are very close to each other with one being better at very close ranges and the other at medium ranges, not to mention the flight performance which the f15 will absolute dominate the su27 because of the weird FM that it currently has. You talk about CAS ? The US currently has the f16C which is an absolute monster with its AGMs and thermal combined with probably the best flight performance (only behind the gripen) to evade SPAA, also it would be silly to think that the f15C will not get anything to destroy tanks.

And before someone say that the f15c is from the 80s it’s important to note that this plane is being upgraded since then, today’s f15c is not the same as the 2000s f15c which is not the same as the 90s f15c which is also not the same as the 80s f15c.


4 aircraft that can carry 12 KH29’s each?


I wonder what the REDFOR players will use as their excuse for why they’re a bunch of quitters in sim now.


Yes, that’s right, the f16c is very powerful, but what else does Russia have, the smt, the su25sm3, and the two su25mts which are only slightly inferior

b-b-ut aim54!!!111


Base bombing with glide bombs would be epic

if F-16C so good can you please explain to a noob like me why 9 out of 10 CAS kills in killfeed are soviet Su-25? And why is that ratio so consistent for last year(feels like even yearS)