Su-27 And J-11 Dev Server 12/9/2023

It seems like it’s a gimmick strategy, since the AOA will bleed so much energy you are forced to hit your one shot/missile. This is a strategy taken later on in the dogfights which sometimes kills the F-14A before it can rate into a position of inevitable victory. Not sure if the F-14B would rate even better in these circumstances.

I think either way, likely many patches of FM changes even after Su-27 goes live, who knows how it will be in the end.

Su-27 as it currently stands, in my opinion, seems to basically be a missile sled which relies on the R-27ER and R-73 very heavily in order to fight. Given that’s good kit, it has HMD (which has good synergy with being able to cobra) and a decent radar, it’s probably going to be strong in Air RB and Mixed RB.

Also, who are the GOATed duellist content creators?

Also why is he on the deck in the 27? If you pull high aoa and git your target but then crash -_-

Well yeah, these aren’t sustainable brawls, just anything goes first kill wins instantly.

Isn’t it also traditional to start on the deck with duelling?

I have no clue about dueling??? Not really my thing but good practice no doubt for the street fight of ARB

The SU-27 and J-11 are one circle fighters, preferably its good to avoid the two circle which most pilots fail to realise. The SU-27 and J-11 should be able to win constantly in the one circle if played correctly.

well no, radar missiles have been in game for faar longer than the pheonix. and an average of 5 people on one side used to do BVR (by my experience), now, its 2-3 total

not really. i cannot speak on national airforce tactics, but BVR and high altitude combat is always a thing as long as you arent under heavy SAM threat

im the best at every BVR match i play.
im sad that i cant do it anymore because people like you dont take to the skies and stick to the ground.

El problema es que el f14 lo unico buenos es el phoenix en misiles el f14a es muy inferior

I would like to please suggest to the devs to adjust the head rest of the Su-27/J-11 pilot seat. The head rest is about 3 times the size of the pilot’s head and actually hinders view when looking behind considerably. This should not be the case, it feels like flying an Su-25 rather than a Su-27 to look behind and see a cushion taking up 75% of the screen.

Try learning F-Pole and attacking barrel rolls, it will help you.
I flew older Su-27s in DCS World for seven years against AMRAAM equipped F-15Cs, F-16C bl50s and F-18C lot 20s. I still beat them frequently, just using R-27ER/ET missiles and dragging them into ACM. This never meant that the R-27ER/ET had performance comparable to AMRAAM, even in DCS World. I achieved all this simply through technique and tactics.
War Thunder is becoming another DCS World, and we must learn more modern air combat skills to adapt to the changes in the game. Merely complaining will not help solve any problem. One day, Su-27 players will have to face an F-15C equipped with AMRAAM, a MiG-29SMT equipped with R-77, or a J-10 equipped with PL-12.
In 1987, when NATO Air Force pilots encountered the Su-27 for the first time - before the deadly R-27ER - they suddenly realized they had a formidable opponent. However, even when the F-16s engaged the Su-27s countless times over the Barents Sea, they never gave up when the Su-27s sat on their 6 o’ clock.
As Garry Matter, a U.S. Air Force F-15 flight instructor, said, fighter jets never actively kill people. In a dogfight, what you have to defeat is not the fighter itself, but the enemy pilot.


I don’t think so. Try lowering the fuel level and discarding your mounts. The Su-27 still has excellent performance in 2c combat and can defeat the F-15A.
When the Su-27 doing sustained turn, it is best to keep your speed at 550-600km/h and maintain 8G overload, which is your corner speed. Drag your opponent into low speed or even ultra-low speed as much as possible. Rating near the deck will be beneficial to you. At the same time, it is also very good at descending scissors. Through combined maneuvers, the Su-27 can defeat most top tier fighters in BFM except the F-16 and JAS-39.
Of course, if what you want is an ACM engagement, firing the deadly R-73 by using the HMD will be your best solution.

So with that logic you would be fine with the F-16As being given 9M?

The best balance is to simulate reality.

I’d prefer 9L be kept, to be honest. I’d prefer IRCCM missiles be kept in br’s far away from non IRCCM missiles.

Vehicles operated by NATO such as the F-22, F-15, F-16 and Gripen pull more AOA in the 2 circle, the SU-27 will obviously beat obsolete junk jets like the MiG-21 if that’s what you’re referring to.

No. That isn’t how games work. Gaijin wants balance hence why everything has a BR.

So then why are you complaining that the 9.13 doesn’t get R-73?

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Just because the R-60M is terrible and way way worse than AIM-9L.

I’d prefer R-27ER be removed from the game, maybe give 9.12 and 9.13 their R-73’s and radically decompress battle ratings.

The R60M and 9L are good counterparts. All we need is 12.7. Anything carrying 9ms or 73s should be 12.7 and the F-16A models bumped to 12.3 then you now pull all but the occasional 11.7 into 12.7 matches.

This is why my death rate against R-27ERs is so low compared to IR missiles.

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