Su 25SM3 should probably not be 11.7 given it doesn't even carry a radar to slave r73s to and will generally struggle to get R73 launches

bla bla bla 20km… nobody launch over 20km. easy reason the game dont render the building and terrains normal with long distances… and the aim9m more better than r73…

Funny story
They increased the render distance some updates ago
The Harrier also doesn’t have a broken damage model.

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As it should hariier superarmacy

AGM65Ds are useless against anything that isn’t a light tank, and even then they aren’t a guaranteed kill (lmfao gjn).

Whereas we can be certain the new Russian ATGMs will be 100% guaranteed to kill anything they hit.

Also 9Ms aren’t better than R-73s. They have different strengths.

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Im hoping we get the new mavericks that we are supposed to have

yea all agm65 shit its true… but you have 6 and bol pod etc…

Six useless atgms isn’t worth much.

They were also nerfed by GJN for no reason recently.

It doesn’t even seem that the swedish/south african gripens will be getting the 65Gs, they didn’t mention anything about them going to anyone else.

bla bla bla

Wow, achieving 40km kill on test room…
Now, go on a live game in Su25 platform and do the same.
It’s still shit subsonic 25 ,

Great argument. I guess this means you lost.

With the ability to outrange any spaa in the game…


In this moment, there are plenty jets what can outrange AA’s , they just do it a lot better.
It really doesnt matter do you have 13km, 16km, 20km or even that 40km quided missiles , if plane using it is “shit”. Even SU-25T can outrange aa’s , problem is seriously in that planes performance not in weapons. Ok, thermals do help a lot in this, what T is lacking ,but still.
You cant climb , it’s 2 slow for that , so you have to go low. = Less viewrange to use quided missiles.
If you start climbing in SU platform in 11.7 games, you get shot down in no time by enemy jet, or AA since plane spawns are quite close to battlefield.

The plane isn’t shit though, it has the most busted damage model of any plane in the game, along with a wealth of a2g armaments.

You’re too impatient to climb to an altitude safe from spaa you mean? The harrier is no speed demon either.

What do you think applies to even slower planes like the Harrier? There is a simple trick: you turn around at spawn and climb away from the battlefield until you reach a safer altitude.

Goodluck against F-16s, Grippens and Mirages which SU-25 will see every single game and yes I mean ground RB. This thing will be unplayable 90% of the time mark my words.

Its almost like those planes are full BR higher and if their such a problem
This is your solution

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Was about to say, Russia has tier for tier probably the best aa systems for high tier

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Like 11.7 doesn’t play against 12.7 most of the time anyway. And yes Pantsir is one of the best AAs ( VT-1 is unironically better than 95Y6 after all the buffs ), but it won’t save you from grippens and f-16s when playing su-25. And lets not even mention that Pantsir can be relatively easily killed with LGBUs.

Yes, that “busted damage model” just nullifies every flaw it has , especially in 11,7.
God, it’s not SU25 facing Br 9 steel.

Least, harrier can always abuse Vtol, and besides, Who uses Harriers anymore in GRB since Gripen can do Air and Ground targets , and lot better than harrier and SU combined.

Oh look, premium plane is again way superior to techtree counterpart. I’m so surprised. Time to warm up my Wyvern (BTW can’t believe this thing used to be 4.0 :D) and XP-50.