Su 25SM3 should probably not be 11.7 given it doesn't even carry a radar to slave r73s to and will generally struggle to get R73 launches

Once we get seperate BRs for air and ground, it could go down to 11.3 or maybe even 11.0 if they drop stuff with no flares for sure.

However, for ground rb, crank it’s BR up all the way to max BR since it has by far the best CAS armament, nothing else even comes close to the KH-38

Honestly, even with seperate BRs, I can’t see R-73s going below 11.0. Just like how I can’t see 9Ms going below 11.3 (unless the planes are the biggest slowest boats to ever exist or something crazy like that)

hell no, you arent seeing the main problem here, if you start going that far low u start seeing 10.0 or 9.7 vehicles in an down tier. Most enemys who only have access to rear aspect missles, while the R-73 can pull and fly very fast. The Aim 9L is already a pain at that br but that would be even worse

Oblivious to what vehicles are already at that BR?

hell no, you arent seeing the main problem

I stated 11.0 which is completely fine and mentioned 10.7 depending on the performance of the so called R-73 (or R-60M renamed). Most vehicles except ~10 have flares at that battle rating and almost all outperform the SU-25s flight model.

Most enemys who only have access to rear aspect missles

This is already prevalent in planes like the J-7E, J-7D, F-5E AIDC, F-5E, F-4E, F-4J, F-4S, F-4 (UK), F-14A and more (some are even higher than 11.0 lol).

R-73 can pull and fly very fast

The R-73 is easily flared if the enemy is aware, if not they are punished like all other missiles. This was the same community who went insane over the “overpowered” R-73 just for it to turn out to be horrible.

still wont happen, the aircraft are strong enough at their brs, the only one ok at 11.0 is the su 25bm because it lacks maws and irccm, you are completly disregarding the defense systems

still wont happen, the aircraft are strong enough at their brs, the only one ok at 11.0 is the su 25bm because it lacks maws and irccm, you are completly disregarding the defense systems

The IRCCM on the SU-25T and SU-39 are both useless, missiles like the AIM-9G have frequently ignored such counter measures. The MAW on the SU-25 is also equivalent to the A-10 players putting periodic flares on, simply go in for a gun kill (most planes trash on the SU-25s anyways).

The reason the SU-25T and SU-39 are both at 11.3 is simply because of the combination of CAS and A2A loadouts, Gaijin has said this before (and with the separation of BRs this would warrant a Air Realistic decrease).

if one flew close enough it ignores it yes, but longer range shots become impossible its a strong addition and you can use flares on top of that, its annoying as hack to fight

the SU 25bm is only 11.0 because of the R-73 it has way worse ground armaments:
Leave it to ussr players to always demand more

Besides that, gajin stated as well that the tornados are at their brs because of their GRB performance. Have fun with tornados at 10.7 then and stealing every base. Some things just shouldnt be drasticaly and stupidly changed

Tornado IDS, Su-25T, Harrier GR.7, Tornado GR.1, JH-7A, AV-8B+…

But the Su-25SM3 is a problem?

It outranges almost every vehicle in this list by about 4x…

It outranges the Su-39 by a shit-ton

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if one flew close enough it ignores it yes

Furball fights are the only fights in 2024, there is no longer range shots anymore without being jumped by a family of four in their Mini Cooper.

the SU 25bm is only 11.0 because of the R-73 it has way worse ground armaments

I’m talking about the Air RB rank when BRs get separated from different game modes so armament for CAS wont matter (the more you carry the more morbidly obese you become).

Besides that, gajin stated as well that the tornados are at their brs because of their GRB performance. Have fun with tornados at 10.7 then and stealing every base

The Tornados can take the bases since they are horrible at literally everything, I don’t need a team of base bombers.

that shows that you playing the su 25 wrong then, dont engange in furball fights same with tornados

yes and the su 25bm is 11.0 in arb because of the r-73, it behaves a lot worse in ground the the other advanced su 25 variants

in that moment you disregard as well that they are getting their countermeasure pods fixed with over 1000 chaff and more flares and them literaly starting to boom and zoom past everyone and taking them out that way since they have target ballistic computer as well, just saying

that shows that you playing the su 25 wrong then, dont engange in furball fights same with tornados

I average 2 to 3 kills per match with the SU-39 at 11.3 if my team doesn’t disappear in 2.2 seconds so I’d like to assume I’m a decent pilot and especially with a fat slow bus.

yes and the su 25bm is 11.0 in arb because of the r-73, it behaves a lot worse in ground the the other advanced su 25 variants

When I refer to the SU-25T and SU-39 being 11.0 I mean the Air Realistic BR when both Ground and Air gets split. Your CAS ordinance wont matter and especially when it literally hinders your ability to fight back.

in that moment you disregard as well that they are getting their countermeasure pods fixed with over 1000 chaff and more flares

The Tornado IDS has 56 countermeasures and this isn’t 56 chaff and flares but 56 in total.

You’re probably thinking about the Tornado ADV

Look at the roadmap, they are releasing seperate release for chaff and flare. The tornados are all nerfed currently because the system isnt able to implement it.
They will get 1000 chaff and 54 flares in the summer update

Yes again 11.3 would still be fine, 11.0 if we are nice, but you freaking suggested even 10.7 thats the problem here

They will get 1000 chaff and 54 flares in the summer update

I doubt the 1000 chaff will be useful and separate release for chaff and flares will just add more key binds for people.

freaking suggested even 10.7 thats the problem here

I mentioned 10.7 as a possibility depending on how good the R-73s perform as I doubt they would be overpowered at that BR (and realistically 11.0).

Will add more keybinds yes, but will be usefull since it makes slaving ir missles to radar at that br impossible that helps good enough besides making radar missles even worse, one tornado flying trough the battlefield releasing chaff makes every radar missle useless with that much clutter, besides that the fact that we get double pf the current flares alone is worth it alone

They would overperform same reasoning if the R73 is at 10.7 there is no reason to not give the tornados their aim 9l(i) missles as well

Just remember also when talking about those R 73’s , they are launched on subsonic platform what makes them also perform a “bit” worse compared on launching over mach 1 speed jets.
And another point, it’s still a SU25 on 11.7 . So yes, finally soviets get thermals on air, but it’s not a mobile, agile, or fast climber, so I wont hold my breath it will be anything special afterall in groundgames either. Nice and needed add for soviets, but overall it will be nothing special.
And as far for spading that in air games, even su-25t in 11.3 was horrible, this will be true pain in 11.7.

Also su 25t/39 jammer. It is quite useless nowdays, on Groundgames it’s like its not even existing, stingers etc finds your ass even that countiously flaredumbing and ircm is on.
And in airgames, every ir missile finds your ass when just taking radar lock and sending missile after that on su-25t/39
So in current state of game that ircm is quite useless even on helos nowdays.

but the gr7 have better missles and better cas and dogfight ability…

So it has missiles that can reach from over 20km and with that be put of the range of every AA in the game? Would be new to me