Su-25SM3 ARB battle rating is ridiculous

a subsonic with 2xR-73 but it’s BR is 12.3
while at 12.3 there’s MiG-21 Bison
a supersonic with 2xR-73, 2xR-27R1, Radar

using AV8B as comparison,
AV8B+ is basically just gripen/F-16C without afterburner and it’s 0.7 BR less,
using that logic Su-25SM3/T/BM/39 should be at 11.7
but because they all lack of radar for slaving R-73 so it should be 11.3
and because they all dont have reliable SARH then it should be 11.0

these 4 are pretty much the same for ARB so they all should be 11.0
not to mention Su-25SM3 is lack of R-60M making it far worse than the other 3 for ARB

arguably, these 4 are just Mig-23ML + R-60M, without afterburner, radar, and SARH
so they all should be 11.0

“Kh 38MT can hit plane”
once in a while, still very rare, it feels like AIM-9B without PF
“Vikhr has PF”
still same as above except the PF
“it has IRCM”
IRCM rarely works because how small the coverage is
“it has MAW”
MAW is just wasting CM, most of the time it’s false positive
“radar pod”
without SARH? what’s the point

they all invalid argument and gimmicky, don’t really affect ARB performance